making winny


New member
I plan on getting 10 grams of Winstrol (winny). How would I put that into injectable form? Would 100mg/ml be to much to hold? I heard dazed's solution is good for holding Winstrol (winny) in suspension. Any tips from someone whose done this before?
Easto said:
i made oral Winstrol (winny) with 151

I want to make it injectable if I can. I would like to dissolve it into a solution but I would suspend it if I had to. To suspend it I can just use sterile water and mix it?
From Mr.T

New Method for making WATER based Winstrol (winny) and test
Take some distilled water, and add 1-2% BA.
Add a surfactant to the water, and mix thoroughly.

Now take 7ml's of this, and run it through a .2um sterile syringe filter, into a sterile 10ml vial. Remove the filter, and needles from the vial for now. You now have 7ml's of sterile water containing surfactant.

Now take 1 gram of either test base, or Winstrol (winny) powder, and put it in a vial with 2 ml's super solvent. Heat it until it is completely dissolved.

Allow it to cool slightly, and draw it up in a 3cc run this through a .45 sterile syringe filter, into the vial that contains the sterile water/surfactant.

Remove the filter and needles from the vial, and shake it up.

The test/winny will precipitate out in the water, but it has been micronized by running it through the filter, so this can easily be injected using a 25g needle.

This gives you a nice water based clumps, no crystals.

Actually, you could also do this with your Winstrol (winny), and take it orally, and you wouldn't have the nasty everclear taste.

Well if you ever tried to just add test or Winstrol (winny) powder to water, you know that it just floats and clumps doesn't mix at all.
You need to add a surfactant, or dispersion agent. This allows the hormone to disperse evenly in the water without clumping up.

Things like polysorbate 80, and
sodium carboxymethylcellulose seem to work rather well.

To make 10 ml's, I was just going to try 5 or 6 drops from a 3cc syringe with no needle on it. I figured that should be enough......but the stuff is really thick, and i pushed to hard on my syringe, and squirted almost a whole ml into my mix.
Well, I know that it works with a whole ml in it...LOL. But 5 or 6 drops should probably do the trick

Well when the Winstrol (winny) is introduced to the water, the Winstrol (winny) will precipitate out. But since it has been run through the .45 filter, it is micronized, and will go through a small gauge pin.

The stuff I made settles out just like a zambon, and when you shake it, it is a nice suspension. Doesn't look clumpy....looks almost like milk.

Surfactant is the correct term.

A surfactant is briefly defined as a material that can greatly reduce the surface tension of water when used in very low concentrations.
Foaming agents, emulsifiers, and dispersants are surfactants which suspend respectively, a gas, an immiscible liquid, or a solid in water or some other liquid.
Polysorbate 80 is a nonionic surfactant used widely as an additive in foods, pharmaceutical preparations, and cosmetics as an emulsifier, dispersant, or stabilizer.
I was going to make injectable Winstrol (winny) using these instructions i got from basskillers forums. I decided to make an oral out of peg400 since there is no advantage of injecting it over drinking it. Unless you really like pricking yourself.

Instructions From Harvey Balboner @ World Class Bodybuilding

Materials needed
PEG 400
BA 2%
BB 15%
Winny powder
Open Vial
Sterile Vial
5 or 10 cc sryinge
3 cc syringe
18 guage needle
smaller needle to relieve air pressure


1- Take the Winstrol (winny) powder place in a open vial add BA & BB.
2- Heat vial till Winstrol (winny) melts. I set mine in a frying pan on the eye of a stove, bring to heat slowly, and let cool slowly.
3- Add peg to mixture. Save 3 ml of you peg in the 3 ml syringe so you can purge the filter with just peg, so no Winstrol (winny) is left.
4- Filter into a sterile vial.
5- Finished, should be a clear thick liquid.

For 5 Grams at 50mg/ml add
2ml BA
15ml BB
79.25ml PEG 400
5 Grams Winny

For 10 Grams at 50mg/ml add
4 ml BA
30 ml BB
158ml PEG 400
10 Grams Winny
Let me know how that goes nycee, I was going to do the same conversion in a few weeks. I'm going to drink it too, just want to get a good solution so I can be sure of the dose as well 151 is nasty, used it for d-ball and never again. Peg doesn't taste too bad.
Deadlift said:
Let me know how that goes nycee, I was going to do the same conversion in a few weeks. I'm going to drink it too, just want to get a good solution so I can be sure of the dose as well 151 is nasty, used it for d-ball and never again. Peg doesn't taste too bad.

Will do.

If your making it orally you only need the peg400 apparently, no BA or BB. Don't know why you would need the BB at all then though.
Yea thats what i said at the beginning of my first post. I was going to use that conversion for injectable, but i am just going to use just peg for the oral. I probably wont be trying it out for a month or so, but ill let you know how it goes, unless of course you do it first.

darn clumps

Easto said:
From Mr.T

Allow it to cool slightly, and draw it up in a 3cc run this through a .45 sterile syringe filter, into the vial that contains the sterile water/surfactant.

Remove the filter and needles from the vial, and shake it up.

The test/winny will precipitate out in the water, but it has been micronized by running it through the filter, so this can easily be injected using a 25g needle.

The syringe filter will hold back a lot of the large clumps so you loose a lot of winny... no?

I was thinking of filtering my QV Winstrol (winny)
so i could use a 25 gauge needle to inject.
But examining it under an inverted microscope i saw the large clumps made up a significant portion of the total mass. My guess is, that i would lose ~50% of the winny.
Since i paid $175 for the vial i would rather just mix it with deca QV and inject with a 22G 1.5 inches

Well since your Winstrol (winny) is already premade I would just mix it with the deca like you said. If you had the raw powder you could dissolve it and filter it. Then pass some clean oil through the filter to get anything remaining out. You could still do that if you wanted to but you would probably end up changing the concentration to half.
theres no reason to filter qv Winstrol (winny). if you are really worried just drink it.
thanks bimmer: i guess if you get the powder
then you have a lot, for less money and don't care about losing some. but i'm a novice at
the powders ...where to get them?...but since i work in a lab, for a living, the technical stuff sounds simple enough although i have read some protocols that are a bit confusing.

FTC : you mean just take a cc in the mouth and drink water ? I'm not sure what the Winstrol (winny) QV
solution is in? It's at work and I'm home so i can't read the label but I read in another thread do oral you got to use PEG 400 ?

This would be cool for my friend who says the
deca /winny injects are hurting his butt, real bad? so he can drink it?
He is mixing QVdeca300 + QV winny
My dose was painless but i used the last of my british dragon + QVwinny

thank you
:love: OLOGY
You can take steroids orally only if they are 17AA alkylated. Basically if they are they wont be broken down by your liver when passing through your system. Winstrol (winny) is 17aa so you could easily take it and drink 1cc of it. It would be pretty much the same thing except some people swear more potency from injection. Iv only tried orals but this time around am going to make injectable.
i though other orals like d-bol was bad for the liver and injectables were better.
Is d-bol 17AA alkylated ?
What other orals are 17aa alkylated
anavar is one, ... right?

pretty much all orals are alkylated, yes dbol, anadrol, winni, ect. It is bad for your liver but even injections have an effect on your liver if its 17aa alkylated.
How the hell did I miss this post!! :) I wrote up the following based on info I found in another post here. This shit is awesome and WILL NOT CRASH on me. Shoots smooth as butter and kicks my ass!

1. Measure out powder. For this one I was doing 100ml @ 50mg/ml, so 5 grams.

2. Add powder, 1% BA, 10% BB, 10% Mr T Super solvent to a beaker and heat until the Winstrol (winny) completely dissolves. I used my kitchen stove which has the glass top with the radiant burners, so I just gently swirl the beaker around on it. You do have to get it pretty hot as winnies melting point is way up there. With all the solvent it goes into solution pretty easy though.

3. Add pre-heated (200F or so) oil to it, leaving out 5cc's or so to purge the Whatmans you use.

4. Stir the mixture up gently with glass rod, then let the whole thing cool just a little. I just don't want to damage a whatman.

5. Filter the batch through Whatman .45's into a sterile vial. I think it took me 2 whatmans for the 100cc's. I then used the last 5cc of oil to purge the filters.

6. Back at 275F for 1 hour.

With this method I got the most beautiful golden Winstrol (winny) I've made so far. For me it's totally painless. I even shoot it in my tri's without any pain or soreness. If you are more sensitive to solvent, it may be different, but I gave a buddy some and he's loving it as well.

I had tried Mr T's kit and my Winstrol (winny) crashed hard core. Totally fell out of solution. Also tried just supersolvent as is recommended by some and got the same results. This method is my favorite so far. I'm gonna try the PEG400 one next just to see if it's any smoother, but I can't see how it could be. As far as concentration goes, I'm not really sure. I see no signs of crashing at the current level, but Winstrol (winny) it funky so it could become unstable if it was even a little higher. I'm going to try 75mg/ml at some point. I'll let you know if it holds.

Hope that helps bro!