Marijuana and steroids

Bast said:
Doing dope or drinking to much is FUCKED UP!
And if you want to train get the fuck of it

i agree that drinking is bad for your health and not worth it. smoking weed may be illegal, but it is not bad for you.

i will go look for a study that was done on monkeys if anyones interested. basically they were chronically exposed to marijuana several times daily for a period of one year. after the year they were all dissected and the brains were studied. what did they find? the marijuana group was overall healthier and more robust than the control group. no brain damage was found either. so i say it is gubmint sponsored bullshit. also, i smoke every single day when i cycle and i didnt get tits.
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How about the monkeys that were exposed for more than a year,got anything on that as far as the brain and lungs go.
Marijuana usage in even in chronic long time users doesn't kill brain cells or cause brain damage. It's the best appetite stimulant out there and if you're trying to bulk it can be helpful.
Trevdog said:
I take a toke around midnight most nights. I like the buzz and I love to have sex on it. I can't do it during the daytime since it makes me kinda stupid. I've never had any problems with estrogen. The only downside is that I crave carbs when I toke and generally indulge myself.

This is exactly how i use it. I crave carbs as well but can usually fight off the urge.
ssmla123 said:
Taking rec drugs and test is a bad idea. As far as effects on the cycle go, its ok. Marij. actually raises test levels and has no adverse affects.

lol i dont know where you herd it raises test levels... but check this site out for a little more info.

it actualy LOWERS test levels...

although im guilty of it myself...

just to ADD off: i had these nasty as hell maxxon protein bars with 3g of creatine i had to smoke just to eat the damn things...
E-Swift25 said:
Marijuana usage in even in chronic long time users doesn't kill brain cells or cause brain damage. It's the best appetite stimulant out there and if you're trying to bulk it can be helpful.

Where do you get your facts???:confused:
i disagree, i know my memory has went way downhill since i started smoking. i still smoke but i can admit to it causing damage.
short term memory loss is not the same thing as brain damage. and it doesnt happen with chronic use, mostly with infrequent or moderate use. there wasa time when i smoked 5 to 6 times a day and my memory was great. i will post some studies so alot of you bros can learn something and stop quoting government sponsored misinformation. i will return shortly.
VegasBoy said:
How about the monkeys that were exposed for more than a year,got anything on that as far as the brain and lungs go.

i think a year is long enough to establish wether or not you are hurting something and i doubt that this research team had sufficient funds to go for longer than a year. try the same thing with tobacco or alcohol and i think you will see that a year is way long enough. and its funny you should mention lung damage. a seperate study was conducted and it was found that people who smoked only marijuana, at any dose and frequency, had less chance of getting any type of cancer, to incule lung cancer. people smoking tobacco only had a serious risk and people smoking tobacco AND marijuana had a lower chance of getting cancer than those who smoked only tobacco. but get this, it was found that the marijuana only group had a lower chance of getting cancer than non smokers. i was surprised too. i will dig around for these studies.
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clearly faze this website only focusses on the negative facts of marijuana.sorta like those news reports that only talk about the negative possibilities of juice.
i don't smoke anymore but in past experiences even while on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) it made me look soft.....thats what i got from it....i don't know shit about anything else....just what it did to me
i do smoke every onceeeeeeeeeeeeee and a grrrrreeeeeeeeat while cuz i really dont relax on it, it makes me act stupid and that chronic stuff numbs my legs and i never get the munchies of dank never its strange if i was Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) i would not do it cuz it doesnt relax me makes me laff at everything and act kinda dumb........ guess its not for me..
weed rules. if they did not do random tests where i work, i would smoke it every day. but hey gotta pay the bills.
It is not good for the immune system, especially while "on". I find I get sick much more frequently and take longer to recover from sickness if I have been smoking. Not to mention passin around the pipe to others, talk about a good way to share germs.