mass builder pharma tren ace and e


I am banned!
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I'm running this ace ,it's my first time using tren bit I can definitely feel it. Fortunately I have not had any bad sides. I was running test and npp and switched to this tren. It is gtg. I am pinning 125mg m, w, f, Saturday. With test 300 mg a week. Just added masteron propinate today 100 eod.
Sounds like you are trying to promote this UGL. Do you have an affiliation with them? Do you receive compensation from them?
Sounds like you are trying to promote this UGL. Do you have an affiliation with them? Do you receive compensation from them?

No I have about 4 different uglz right running pharamcon masteron and alpha pharma test e. I'm rep for no-one accept my family. And my forum family.contributing back from the place I get info from.
Why no more red meat?

Probably an undereducated doctor. The ONLY time red meat is unhealthy is if it's undercooked and mishandled (poopy hands touching raw meat), or overcooked meat (the excess cooking creates nasty chemicals in the carbon that is created when the meat turns black). Cholesterol and fats in red meat have been debunked several times in the last decade, if that's his concern.
They said my iron was high and something else. I'm sure it's from the juice but I'm not throwing that on a plate.... Haaaa
They said my iron was high and something else. I'm sure it's from the juice but I'm not throwing that on a plate.... Haaaa

Iron, or hemoglobin? Hemoglobin is bound iron found on the surface of red blood cells, and IS increased by AAS. You should be donating blood to reduce this.