Mass gaining


New member
I am 6'3, 215, around 12%bf...wanting to get to 225lbs and not to concerened about a small increase in bf as I will diet after this cycle. My cycle looks like this:

400mg/wk eq
500mg/wk test enanthate
75mg/ed prop for 1st 4 weeks
50mg/ed Winstrol (winny) weeks 8-12

Here is my diet:

3 eggs w/ 8 oz chicken breast
50 grams protein in form of shake


post work drink with protein, creatine, and dextrose

8-10oz flank steak with salad (loads of vegies)

1 cup cottage cheese, 2 bioled eggs, 2-3 slices no fat cheese

8oz chicken breast, more salad or steamed vegies

sanck - nuts and fruit

flank steak and pasta (whole grain)

protein shake (50 grams) right before bed

Am I on the right track? WHat adjustments would you all make?
Not really sure on the steroid side of things but u can prolly do no harm by adding flax and fish oil into ur diet, especially if ur bulking :)
Babyfaced Assassin said:
Not really sure on the steroid side of things but u can prolly do no harm by adding flax and fish oil into ur diet, especially if ur bulking :)

I use flax seed oil in my shake before I go to sleep. Plus when I wake up in the night to piss I always eat a handful of almonds. I want to make sure I getting enough calories to gain 10 lbs.
It looks good bro, lots of good quality food. I have to ask how you handle 2 lbs of meat/day @ 215? That seems like alot, have you ever
ate that way, and if so, I'd think you'd be alot heavier in general.

Your cycle alone is going to push you over 225 without changing your diet, so I'd say with that cycle and menu, you should be seeing
240+ no problem at all, probably more like 250-260.
Spud said:
It looks good bro, lots of good quality food. I have to ask how you handle 2 lbs of meat/day @ 215? That seems like alot, have you ever
ate that way, and if so, I'd think you'd be alot heavier in general.

Your cycle alone is going to push you over 225 without changing your diet, so I'd say with that cycle and menu, you should be seeing
240+ no problem at all, probably more like 250-260.

You would think so...I have hit 245 naturally before, but that was when I played ball in college. My metabolism is so damn fast it isn't funny. Like today...I ate a steak and huge salad around 2pm...30 minutes later I was starving and eating a bowl of cottage cheese with some boiled eggs. When I am not on a cycle my appetite drops considerably...I just force feed myself. But when I am on (like now) I am hungry 24/7. Cool thing is that when I wake up in the am I can see growth from the night before...I love juice...sometimes more than that is fucked up...