Mass needed


New member
I posted this exact thread on the diet forum and no one seems to be home...your thoughts suggestions are needed.

I am 6'3, 215, around 12%bf...wanting to get to 225lbs and not to concerened about a small increase in bf as I will diet after this cycle. My cycle looks like this:

400mg/wk eq
500mg/wk test enanthate
75mg/ed prop for 1st 4 weeks
50mg/ed Winstrol (winny) weeks 8-12

Here is my diet:

3 eggs w/ 8 oz chicken breast
50 grams protein in form of shake


post work drink with protein, creatine, and dextrose

8-10oz flank steak with salad (loads of vegies)

1 cup cottage cheese, 2 bioled eggs, 2-3 slices no fat cheese

8oz chicken breast, more salad or steamed vegies

sanck - nuts and fruit

flank steak and pasta (whole grain)

protein shake (50 grams) right before bed

Am I on the right track? WHat adjustments would you all make?
I think the cycle looks good
How many times a day are you eating I would consider adding some more carbs to your diet.
There are 2 meals post training that have no carbs. then, you have a meal before your bedtime shake with pasta. You're neglecting to feed your body carbs when it's crucial. IMO, the 2 meals post w/o should have carbs. If you're worried about fat, last 2 meals(including shake) should have no carbs.
cycle looks good but if mass is #1 priority i'd drop the Winstrol (winny) at the tail and throw in dbol for the first 4 weeks to kick it off w/ the prop.

your diet is a little off...

more carbs/fats
more calories
more meals

good luck.
scotty2 said:
There are 2 meals post training that have no carbs. then, you have a meal before your bedtime shake with pasta. You're neglecting to feed your body carbs when it's crucial. IMO, the 2 meals post w/o should have carbs. If you're worried about fat, last 2 meals(including shake) should have no carbs.

you should definalty get your carbs in before workout that is when you will need them most.
Your cycle looks perfect. I like the way your starting off the cycle with prop until your enanth kicks in:D . Just throw in some more carbs and you'll have some fun. Keep us updated.
Throw in some fats in there Flax or some natural peanutbutter!!!

Maybe the PB before bed with the shake so it can absorb that protien all night.
fatchops said:
Throw in some fats in there Flax or some natural peanutbutter!!!

Maybe the PB before bed with the shake so it can absorb that protien all night.

I forgot to put the flax seed oil in...I mix it with my protein shake before bed. If I go out at night and come in late I will add a eright gainer (1850 calories to my protein) before passing out.:D
What carbs would you add in the am pre-workout...oatmel, pancakes....what else is high in carbs for breakfast? I have been mixing fuit and honey with my pre-worklout protein drink, but know that is not enough carbs. Suggestions?
dallasskyline said:
What carbs would you add in the am pre-workout...oatmel, pancakes....what else is high in carbs for breakfast? I have been mixing fuit and honey with my pre-worklout protein drink, but know that is not enough carbs. Suggestions?

Oatmeal is great:D