
By far, the best thing for putting on mass is lots and lots of quality food. No illegal steroids necessary!

Edit: Welcome!
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There was just a post a few days ago about which are the best for cutting and bulking. Read through as a few pages you will find it.
Welcome to the board !!

What are your stats?.....age, weight, height, ~bf%, lifting experience.

Answer those and we'll be better able to help you.
You want to cut, test and less food, you want to bulk, test and more food. It really is quite simple. Drug use is made much more complex on the boards than it needs to be. When you get a little more advanced, add an anabolic or some tren.
I take it this is your first cycle???? If so, as always I would recommend Test only @ 400-500mgs./week for 8-10 weeks.
hage82 said:
i eat between 3000-4500 calories a day
@ 170lbs. Bro thats more than twice your BMR if you cant gain on that then its one of 2 things, your a weirdo and are different than anyone I know or your not eating as much as you think you are. I say its #2.
hage82 said:
i eat between 3000-4500 calories a day
Seriously, keep increasing your calories until you start to gain weight.

4% bf. Wow; that's low. Just curious, how did you measure that?