Massive Newbie Info

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Wow! I learned more in this 20 minute read than I have learned in 20 years! I only thought I knew what I was doing. Most of the info I have been doing already just now I know why! Required reading for anyone wanting to cycle, anything (PERIOD)! And a guest appearance from the MAN! Can we get a Dan Duchane appearance next, lol! J/K!
help wanted!

i never did cycles before i an 5'8 210lbs im looking to cut weight an get more deffinition i been reading alot of forums about winstol both positive an negitive some saying i should stack with test e i want to know a good cycle to do to get these results i also know that steriods do not burn fat so i am aware that i will have to maintain a good diet an do intense cardio
Test only for first cycle. U can cut or bulk on Test. How old are U??
Newbie starting Enanthate

First i Keep reading these threads and see people saying they order these produsts, I am in the US can I order a product online and I have it mailed witout getting caught. Secondly, I start my cycle on Saturday shouls I start with a 250 shot or start with a 500 shot for an initial boost and then continue to do 250 twice a week
I wish everyone would stop the, "cant bulk and cut in the same cycle" crap.
I was quite overweight when I started my first cycle. dropped about 30 lbs and strength nearly doubled.
Perhaps it is not possible to do both togethor when you are at your genetic limits, in terms of lean tissue %, but the majority haven't reached, or ever will reach, that stage.

If you throw 500mg test, and 350mg tren on a weekly basis into the average person, I would be willing to bet that they will drop fat and gain muscle, provided they are working out and not eating 8000 calories a day.
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