Massive Newbie Info

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Dear Doctor

I have been training for over 1 year now. Before I have been injected Deca steroid 2 times. I felt it works for me to increase my size. Then I stop used that until now. However, I still training as normal 3 times a week.

Recently, I went to doctor have blood test and found out that Ive got Hep B. No doubt that because my mother she had thats why all my brother and sister had it as well including myself.

My doctor said I might go for treatment by injection or tables. I wonder that can I still use Deca say once a month while I having my Hep B treatment? Does it cause any effect with my liver?

I appreciate if you could explain about my inquires.

Look forward to you reply.

Ben from Australia
wow great research...see this is the AWESOME info you get when you ask the questions to the proper people well said
That was the most useul thread I have found on the site!!! I took notes!! Thanks so much for the hrad work put into that thread and know that you helped out Many people who wold have otherwise made poor choices.
One of the best posts I have ever seen. Thank you for your time!
Great post, will surely help first timers!! Wish I was a first timer, but trial and error are great teachers too!! Great guidelines Dude!!
accumalting knowledge!

#1 thread for us un-experienced users!
thanx a million for these posts, the Doc is a Hero! lol
I've been getting alot of people asking me the same questions and alot of it is basic info that people should know before they take the plunge into cycling. Here is a bunch of articles that I did NOT write but are useful. While some of them contain opinions that I don't agree with 100%, the info in them is good. Thanks is in order to those who wrote them...

By Jason Meuller

Outstanding read - Makes me excited to thumb through the rest of 'em. Thanks!
you the man doc.
still trying to decide if i should go down the dark path... i watched the vid bigger faster stronger and halfway through i was like wtf big brother, now im going to take them, then at the end i was like, but if i start i wont stop =/
Thanks a lot Doc, Great article and research I really was interested in what you were talking about and read the whole thing.. thanks again!
quick question..

hey i also have a quick question..

i noticed in one of the preceeding posts that nolvadex should be taken during your cycle of, say, test/deca? which i assume means that during weeeks 1-10 i am taking test/deca/nolva all simultaneously?

i know this is probably a novice question but thats exactly what i am so i just want to make sure im on the right page here.. any input from anyone would be greatly appreciated..
That is great information, I am deciding whether to try my first cycle. I have been natural and I have seen only minimal gains. I don't even know where to look to find a cycle if that is what I decide to do. Anyone have any suggestions? I am trying to do as much research as I can, but looks like I came to the right place.
i noticed in one of the preceeding posts that nolvadex should be taken during your cycle of, say, test/deca? which i assume means that during weeeks 1-10 i am taking test/deca/nolva all simultaneously?
Yes but most would say only if you're seeing signs of gyno.
hey i also have a quick question..

i noticed in one of the preceeding posts that nolvadex should be taken during your cycle of, say, test/deca? which i assume means that during weeeks 1-10 i am taking test/deca/nolva all simultaneously?

i know this is probably a novice question but thats exactly what i am so i just want to make sure im on the right page here.. any input from anyone would be greatly appreciated..

You do NOT want to take Nolvadex while running Nandrolone (Deca) as it can actually aggrevate gyno symptoms.
thanks guys.. its been a while since i posted this. im actually gonna wait a while to run the deca. stickin with test e for now..


damnnnn sooo much info!! thanks or all the info. i was thinking about starting, but now it all sounds so damn complicated lol
Steroid Side Effects And How To Avoid Them
This chapter, along with the chapter on the proper use of ancillary medications, are two of the most important chapters in this book. Why? Because AAS have side effects, and long-term use of AAS can have a profound effect on longevity and overall quality of life in later years if preventative measures are not taken. Having used steroids myself for over 10 years now, I have suffered through virtually ever side effect listed in this chapter, and have consequently educated myself on how to avoid them.

Regardless of your age, it’s important to always bear in mind that the use of AAS for the purposes of gaining an edge in sport can be an inherently unhealthy endeavor. There is a distinct difference between the doses of hormones or drugs that are used in slowing the aging process through hormone replacement therapy (hereafter referred to as HRT, please see the chapter on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) by Dr. Ramon Scruggs for further clarification) and those that are used to enhance performance. If one is to properly use performance enhancing drugs, it is vital that they know the potential side effects of drugs they are using, know how to combat these side effects, and most importantly, actually implement the knowledge they have. Time and time again I’ve seen a bodybuilder develop gynecomastia (commonly referred to as “bitch tits” in the bodybuilding vernacular) despite the fact that the individual in question knew this was a possibility and also knew the preventative measures to take. One should not engage in the use of AAS or any other performance enhancing drug if the maintenance of proper health is not of primary concern.

Compounding the problem of treating the side effects of AAS is the hysteria surrounding their use in the first place. Many bodybuilders that use steroids find themselves to be social pariahs, muscular misfits if you will, and end up finding comfort in the company of others that engage in steroid use as well. Because a bodybuilder wears his sport, he’s branded a steroid user by many regardless of whether that’s the case or not. Often times, the shame one feels regarding their steroid use will cause them to suffer through the side effects associated with their use, rather than seeking competent medical help. Truth be told, it’s very difficult to find competent medical help to treat the side effects of steroids, as most doctors simply have no idea how to properly do so. More often than not, the physicians I worked with for most of my years on steroids were completely clueless as to how one might ameliorate the negative side effects of these drugs, and would simply tell me to “get off the steroids”. I say this not to dissuade those of you reading this from seeking out the advice of a doctor regarding the side effects of steroid use, just to prepare you for a probable response.

Most of the side effects related to steroids are cosmetic and will disappear when one discontinues their use. But those that aren’t are the most important to understand and treat as necessary. Most of these cannot be seen or felt, and all are related to issues of cardiovascular health. Steroids can adversely affect cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, and hypertension, which over time can and will lead to an increase in heart disease. Always monitor your resting hear rate and blood pressure on a weekly basis when taking steroids and have your cholesterol and triglycerides checked every six months if you are using steroid consistently. These are not problems you can live with, ignore them and you may very well die much earlier than you would have otherwise. Ask yourself this question: “How much is every year of my life worth to me?” If you ignore the potential for an increased risk of heart disease when using anabolic steroids, you are essentially answering the question with, “Very little indeed.”

Before we begin a look at the actual side effects themselves and how to treat them, it’s important to note that not all AAS are created equal!! At times, for the sake of brevity, I will lump all AAS together, but the fact remains that some steroids will cause more negative side effects than others. One of the points of this book is to allow you to make that distinction, and walk away with the knowledge of how to use them as safely as possible. Below is a list of steroids most commonly associated with the side effects listed in this chapter:
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