Masteron Home Brew Help


New member
Hey Guys,

I just wanted to say that I am new to the board and it rocks. I just got in 50 grams of masteron and i was wondering how I could get this mixed up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone could help me out step by step I would truly appreciate it since I am new to this whole brewing thing. Thanks guys rock. How strong could I make it...200mg/ml or is 100mg better, Let me know your thoughts

it goes 100mg/ml pain free no prob. i made my last batch up at 2% ba and 20% bb and it held perfectly.

you could try 200 and see how it feels. if it hurts cut t back.

step by step instructs are posted in the stickies for the basic premise to home brew. only variables are concentration and solvent ratios.