Masteron Prop and Tren Enanthate only cycle


New member
Is this a good cycle to run. I have 2 vials of each or should I add test prop? I'm weighing 156 and at 10% body fat. Not a big guy. Looking to add lean muscle and looked tighter/ripped
I'm not a fan of running different esters. You either have to pin yourself 3 some weeks 4 times a week or not keep blood levels stable. I would go all prop or all enanthate. Also, I've seen where you have always ran prop. Don't be scared of the enanthate. It won't bulk you up like a tree trunk of your diet and training are on point. Since it sounds like you are cutting I'd recommend
Test 350/week
Tren 400-500/week
Mast 400-500/week
If you don't have that much gear, why bother running a half ass cycle? Save it till you do. When I cut I like to let the cutting agents do the work (Tren/mast)
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