
i got it 3% ba and 9% bb @ 100mg/ml. pain free. you kow i was all ecited when got my dros last year. cooked her up, dropped the tren and did it for about 6 months with my other stuff. its cheaper than tren but to be honest i get better results off the tren. not a big difference but noticble on strenght. dros has very few sides other than going bald so some finaesteride may be in order or ANOTHER DHT blockers.

its still some good stuff i just had my hopes up like the 1st GH cycle i did. That was incredible. its just too pricey.
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i got it 3% ba and 9% bb @ 100mg/ml. pain free. you kow i was all ecited when got my dros last year. cooked her up, dropped the tren and did it for about 6 months with my other stuff. its cheaper than tren but to be honest i get better results off the tren. not a big difference but noticble on strenght. dros has very few sides other than going bald so some finaesteride may be in order or ANOTHER DHT blockers.

what about running both together???
very nice stack. keep all you gains once coming off too. i always do Winstrol (winny) with tren. they go together very well for a good build up of strength without a lot of weight gain. lasting results too. defiantely a fat burner, muscle gaining stack. the three stack well together. and as always throw in some test. all cycles should include test in my humble opinion.
Same recipes as is for Prop 100mg/ml 5%ba 10%bb. I'm running that right now:

100mg Mast EOD
100mg Prop EOD
40mg Var ED
very nice stack. keep all you gains once coming off too. i always do Winstrol (winny) with tren. they go together very well for a good build up of strength without a lot of weight gain. lasting results too. defiantely a fat burner, muscle gaining stack. the three stack well together. and as always throw in some test. all cycles should include test in my humble opinion.

thanks PB-

hey smack whats up brother
Going well bro! New house, new car, new baby, and new gear! Life is good! :)

Your gonna love this home brew stuff. Too easy and your gonna be saving a shitload of money!