New member
Hey guys I have decided to start my S4 log. I realized that I actually have another 4 weeks before I can start a cycle so I will be using my S4 as a bridge. Along with bridge of course. So far here is what my plan is
S4 50mgs 5on/2off
25mg AM, 25mg PM (m-f)
3 caps a day
4 caps a day
Ursolic Acid
800mgs a day
bcaas, EAAs, Fish oil, multi vit, etc.... etc....
Goals on this cycle are obviously to cut up. I will post my starting pics soon.
I follow Intermitted Fasting so I eat from around 12-8 everyday. I eat high protiein, mod fat, low carb usually.
I am coming off a vacation (where I actually lost some weight) and will be doing HST with some HIIT and cardio on the off days. MWF is workout, and I will try to fit in some form of exercise during the off days.
Burn days I will be taking in around 2200 cals and build days I will try for 4000. On my vacation I ate around 4k on off days and 5k on build days so I think this will be accurate for losing more weight and cutting up. My current weight is 96kgs or 211.2lbs.
Any suggestions, comments are welcome!
S4 50mgs 5on/2off
25mg AM, 25mg PM (m-f)
3 caps a day
4 caps a day
Ursolic Acid
800mgs a day
bcaas, EAAs, Fish oil, multi vit, etc.... etc....
Goals on this cycle are obviously to cut up. I will post my starting pics soon.
I follow Intermitted Fasting so I eat from around 12-8 everyday. I eat high protiein, mod fat, low carb usually.
I am coming off a vacation (where I actually lost some weight) and will be doing HST with some HIIT and cardio on the off days. MWF is workout, and I will try to fit in some form of exercise during the off days.
Burn days I will be taking in around 2200 cals and build days I will try for 4000. On my vacation I ate around 4k on off days and 5k on build days so I think this will be accurate for losing more weight and cutting up. My current weight is 96kgs or 211.2lbs.
Any suggestions, comments are welcome!