Max dosage of Prostanozol?


New member
What's up guys? I picked up two bottles of IronFlex Supplements StanoZane over at Orbit. It's a 90 ct bottle, 1 capsule = 200mg. My question is, would it be OK to run Stano at 600mg ED alongside Hdrol for 6 weeks, or would 400mg ED be a more acceptable dosage? I've used prostanozol before, as well as Hdrol so I'm fairly familiar with both of these compounds. Any input is appreciated.
Whoa ....I am having a memory problem maybe....doesnt pstanz typically come in 50 mg dose caps? You saying this is 200mg per cap!

Wow lets see this puppy ran at 1000mg a day!

StanoZane is not Prostanozol. Stanozane is a MMv2 / Stanodrol clone, which is a dht derivative I believe. I think the results are relatively similar to p-stanz as they are good for muscle hardening purposes. P-stanz is more for fat loss and stano more for strength and energy (at least thats how I see it).

Matt you're right p-stanz usually comes in 50mg caps and stano comes in 200mg caps. Stano should be ran for at least 6weeks @600mg IMO to be effective as it is very mild (also not methylated), very good for stacking.
I don't think there is a "max dose" for stano tho. if you have 2 bottle w/ 90 pills each @200mg thats 36000mg total for 6weeks (42 days) so you could run @800mg /day
Thanks for the reply. I don't know why I thought it was P-Stanz...definitely kinda pissed and feelin like an idiot:wallbash: I've been running the stano @ 600mg since Monday 6/25 along with the Hdrol @ 100mg. Might step up the stano to 800mg on Monday.