No please, ask away

There is no actual test in the product or direct test booster. The osta is in a capsule dosed at 25mg per cap. So all u have to do is pop them once a day with a meal or on an empty stomach. No injection or nothing and its so mild of a compound that u don't need liver support or anything... If your going to run 50mg past week 4, a test booster (such as test drive or nads) is recommended. But even then suppression is extremely minor

I didnt comment on the fact that strength is definitely gong up. Most lifts i normally do, like 90 pound incline dumbell flyes i can do for 15 reps LOL.. before i was doing them for 6/7 reps full stretch. Its been a great 4 weeks!

Yeah, I believe case studies have shown no suppression till around week 3. Test boosters play a big and helpful role at this time in an Osta cycle. Good log so far bro.
Yeah, I believe case studies have shown no suppression till around week 3. Test boosters play a big and helpful role at this time in an Osta cycle. Good log so far bro.

thanks, and yeah i've got some stuff for suppression i'm going to be hitting up! as of right now though to be honest i think my test is going uP! haha having more sexual activity and all that...signs of great hormone levels
thanks, and yeah i've got some stuff for suppression i'm going to be hitting up! as of right now though to be honest i think my test is going uP! haha having more sexual activity and all that...signs of great hormone levels
Funny you say that because I had bloods done at the end of my Osta run & my test was higher than when I started. Up almost 100 more.
Are you going to run a serm?
Funny you say that because I had bloods done at the end of my Osta run & my test was higher than when I started. Up almost 100 more.
Are you going to run a serm?

To be honest, that wouldn't surprise me a single bit! lol

Well i plan on using this Test Drive and a new product called NADS, both by gun show.. NADS is a one of a kind Trans-dermal testicular function enhancer - to boost natural test dramatically in a week.. This stuff goes right on your scrotum and absorbs through the skin Lol Crazy stuff!

Also going to try and get my hands on Anabolic Countdown... boosts natural test 50% within 24 hours of taking it. 1,000 times stronger than DAA! That will bridge me into my 2nd run of osta after a few weeks. So far, that's the plan
How do you feel mentally at week four?
Any depression or semi dark thoughts?

to be honest i feel awesome! no issues at all to report. I get a little hungry though during the day from backloading my carbs so i have been popping Eupepsia 8 from Gun Show so it kills my desire to eat a whole pizza. Lol, other than that i cannot wait to start another cycle. I've still got a few days left... might run another week since i'm not seeing any negative sides

I have backed down the 75mg dosage though to 50mg, i feel like the extra 25mg isn't really adding additional benefits. I heard anything above 38mg is pointless anywhere from various sources, but the caps are 25mg.. but it's all good. i have 1 and a half bottles left lol.
Ok guys, FINAL progress pic of 5 and a half weeks. Going to end the cycle here and then jump back on. I made enough cuts and i'm ready to bulk back up again. This is a black and white pic so you can see all the definition - I think the changes are quite obvious!

View attachment 561959
Ok guys, FINAL progress pic of 5 and a half weeks. Going to end the cycle here and then jump back on. I made enough cuts and i'm ready to bulk back up again. This is a black and white pic so you can see all the definition - I think the changes are quite obvious!

View attachment 561959
yup ....you got sliced up...how weight did you loose in the 5.5 weeks?