Maximize Cycle Time Workout Schedule


New member
Seeing as how most PH cycles are short.....30 days...(yes, I know, not typical for advanced users)...
I am in need of a workout plan that will allow me to maximize the training time...
30 Days....
I cannot do an am/pm split...not enough time in my daily schedule.

Also, I work three 12hr days(6AM-6PM Sun.-Tues.) and one 6hr day..(6AM-12Noon Wend.)
Pretty drained on the 12hr days, but I got some preworkout ignitor that gets me going....

So I am thinking a "Beyond Brawn" type methodolgy, but not so conservative. Focusing on the big compound movements, and maybe some isolation movements here and there...

Basically going to be working on the foundation a little more...this time round, with emphasis on legs and biceps part of arms....
I will be doing a Beastdrol cycle here is 3 days or less...
I have all necessary PCT, and other supps...

Any Recommendations...???

Here was my Helladrol Cycle workout plan...
Workout: 4 day split(4 on 1 off) with some cardio in there.
Day 1:Shoulders/Traps/Triceps
Day 2:Back/Forearms
Day 3:Legs/Calves
Day 4:Chest/Biceps
Day 5:Off/alot of stretching

Chest and Biceps together so I could hit the biceps when they are fresh...instead of Biceps with Back....

My shoulders, traps, back, triceps, and forearms grow pretty easy....
My legs and bi's are lagging...
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