Mayweather vs Ndou


New member
Did any of you guys catch the fight this weekend?
Well, if you missed it, be sure to watch the replay of it cuz it was awesome! Ndou really put up a great fight and showed much heart for all seven rounds. The fight ended with a knockout by Mayweather I believe it was a little over a minute into the seventh round. Ndou's corner threw the towel in at this point. The final knock out combination was just beautiful. Mayweather fed him three beautiful rights to the head, missed with a left hook but then finished him off with another right. It was truly an amazing fight! hehehe...I'm still pumped from it!
In terms of the Gainer/Marquez fight, well we won't even talk about that one. Worst fight ever, that's all I can say!
They didnt show this fight in england, instead i was watching a commonwealth bout between a ghanaian and a scotsman, 12 intense rounds
cool thing was they were my weight category so i was watching out for how i should fight like lol
dark_venom said:
I missed it , but I saw the highlight of that finishing triple right hand to the head.

I was like okay, I don't care how good Ndou is, he's not getting up from that one!:)