Me June 07


unleash the beast
have only got one pic right now
from when i just finished my cycle in june
what u think?
im 21
5"4 so a short ass lol
13stone not sure what that is in kg
dont really know all my measurements to b honest

i was dieting when that pic was taken im hoping to get up
to 14stone by the end of year then go for my first show next may
Well you've definitely filled out your frame, lean and proportioned. Throw up some other shots, back, legs etc.
yea i will get some more shots asap and post them up
not us cut now as bulking again but will put some new pics up shortly

yea was dieting quite hard as trying to get to know my body and how it responds preparing my self for next year now :)
you have small frame but your size is great.Good job bro, keep it up :rockband:
yea im goin to get some new pics will get some on the wk end and post them
up guys, thanks for all the comments.

the cycle that i did when this photo was taken is below
sus wks 1-12 750mg
winny- 50mg ed wks 11-14
pct started wk 14
Alright Gregs boi!

Good to see another Welshman on the board. 13 stone is around 180lbs!

Looking thick bro, what part of God's country you from?
alright mate
yea u found another welshman :)
180lb cheers pal at least i know where abouts i stand now

im from gd old swansea
hows the training going, any comp soon?