me lifting 150lb dumb bells.

anyway i am repping it 10 times,set of 3.right now weighing 195..2-%bf...i have leand down,this is the first time i have weighed this in 15 years...i have been 205-215 for ever it seems,i look alot healther.
a friend took it with his phone i tried something different if that dosent work i dont no wtf to do,i can send it to someoneones e-mail and then maybey they can help???????????
a friend took it with his phone i tried something different if that dosent work i dont no wtf to do,i can send it to someoneones e-mail and then maybey they can help???????????

right click on the pic , and save picture as whatever file you choose. than manage attachments shown below the smileys before you repost...