Meatball Stew


~DaDawg's L'il Sis~
This one's best in a crockpot but can be done on the stove top on low heat.


Large bag italian style meat balls( read your labels, there are some low fat ones out there)
3 precooked and cut up chicken breast
wild rice - about 1/2 cup
2 chicken or veggie stocks (in the carton, not the cans)
one bunch of fresh chard (spinach if you prefer) washed and cut up.
Oregano - to taste
Salt and pepper - to taste
4 smashed and chopped up garlic cloves (you can use powder if preferred)

Dump everything into the crock pot or soup pot. It's gonna look like alot but it WILL cook down. Cook on low heat covered for 6 hours. Monitor the level of liquid, the chard gives up some of it's liquid, but if you think it's starting to look dry add stock.

There is no messing up this recipe. See something you don't like? Omit it, substitute at will. I sometimes I add crushed chillies for an added kick.

This recipe makes alot, but it freezes well in Ziploc bags and is good in the fridge for 3 - 4 days. Always tastes better the next day too.

Hope you enjoy! :)