Medistar Reviews? & Q on British Despencery?


New member
Whatsup everyone? Just had a two questions that im hoping you guys can help me out with. first one is reviews on medistar. Ive got friends who've used it in the past but not latley (about a year). Been seeing some mixed reviews so I thought id get everyones two cents on it. Second thing was is british despencery a ugl aswell? I mean I thought it went out of business a few years ago but my friend got a hold of some? im in canada btw if that helps thanks.
They make orals Primarily (British d.) i ONLY hear good things about their orals. I'm pretty sure they are still going because a lot of my sources still carry their stuff (Dbol and Winstrol are supposedly really awesome) the only problem is a lot of people fake their tabs. To know if the tabs are legit then put them in your mouth. If they DONT dissolve that can usually be a good sign ;) Goodluck!
You should be gtg with medi from a real source but personally there are better labs in canada in my opinion