Melanotan 2 show on blood work?


I am banned!
Does anyone know if Melanotan II will mess with my 6 month blood work that the doc has ordered? I have only been doing 500mcg/ week, & .6ml twice a week of 200/ml test cyp. I don't want to screw anything up with my script or piss the doc off & have him put me back on 3 month blood work. I got 2 weeks till its time to poke the artery.
Any advice from y'all would be much appreciated.
Melanotan 2 will not mess with your blood work. However if you don't want unnecessary attention from your prescribing physician, taking a couple week hiatus from MT-2 might be wise...if only to not have a super-physiologic tan & possible dark freckles/moles.
Melanotan 2 will not mess with your blood work. However if you don't want unnecessary attention from your prescribing physician, taking a couple week hiatus from MT-2 might be wise...if only to not have a super-physiologic tan & possible dark freckles/moles.
agreed on all points. but no it shouldent effect what they are testing for IMO