Melanotan Sides


From Injury to Monster
On my first melanotan II run and I am noticing a side which MAY be attributed to it.
Hiccuping! I have hiccuped more the last few days since I started my cycle then ever berfore in my life--any one notice?!?!
i used for a long time. sure as shit never got hiccups but it made me very ill on a few occasions
On my first melanotan II run and I am noticing a side which MAY be attributed to it.
Hiccuping! I have hiccuped more the last few days since I started my cycle then ever berfore in my life--any one notice?!?!

Same thing happened to me.

Day 1 0.5mg at bedtime. Woke up at midnight with a raging hard on that lasted for 6 hours. sick as shit in the morn. Lasted all day. Puked twice. Cold sweats all day.

Day 2 0.25mg b4 bed. Off and on hard ons all night. Woke up hiccuping uncontrollably which lasted all day. With brief 20 min breaks in between. Also had bad indigestion all day.

Day 3 0.25 mg b4 bed. Mild indigestion. No other sides.

Day 4 0.25 mg b4 bed. No sides yet.