Mens Physique Compeition Cycle Advice


New member
:flame:If you were to lay out a cycle that got the guy in the first picture to look like the guy in the 2nd picture, assuming money wasn't an issue and diet/workouts are the best, what steroids and how much would you take over a 10 week period. The 3rd and 4th pictured physiques would be ideal as well.




Hint. Its not what steroids you take over ten whole weeks that make a physique. Its years of proper training and diet. Gear doesnt cut you, diet does.

Get lean and strong naturally then you'll know whatt to do when on
I appreciate you taking the time to respond and I understand the majority of people asking questions on this board do need to train/diet properly before taking juice.

My training and diet are top notch and has been for years. I've done paid photo shoots with photographers for fitness magazines. Not trying to sound arrogant I just want to paint the picture of my conditioning. The reality is these guys are not 100% natural and I would like some professional advice on what steroids they take...
Age ???

Short cut s are lame...cuts are made in the kitchen and on the aerobics machines/activities...
that look is very attainable with training and diet. steroids should be reserved for breaking through genetic potential. your putting your body and health at risk. take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if your being lazy, have poor eating and workout habits. your using aas to compensate for the lack of dedication. if you ok with it were hear to help.
Guys that haven't trained natural for long enough usually are not in tune with there bodies enough to get the full effect of the cycle. These are usually the guys that say, I am not sure if its working, or confuse muscle soreness for pain or injury. If you have been training for years natural you basically know your recovery time and you can tell changes in your body that happen like bloat, recovery and intensity that occur just from a bad meal. Being in tune with your body on a natural level will let you get so much more out of using any drug or even dietary supplements.

After having a bad weekend of to much food and drink and too little sleep I can notice my training suffer for days while my body recovers. On the same note I know exactly what to do when trying to recover after said mistake. That took years of fiddling with my body, what I eat and how I train. When people ask you how you look like that and what did you do, you simply say good diet, work out, get sleep rinse and repeat for 6-10 years. That usually throws them off.