mental health statistics


New member
I'm trying to find out if mental illnesses are growing in society. I've been looking around but not finding a lot of the info.

I thought mental health issues and crime have increased. Sure, it can be argued that psychology is fairly new, and we are just now getting better at recognizing and diagnosing mental illness.

One surprising statistic I found, shows suicide rates have actually decreased since the 1950s by % of population...But did anyone hear of these beautiful teen girls hanging themselves in the basement of their upper-middle class homes back in the 40s?... sometimes for no apparent reason at all, or because their bf dumped them?

I doubt there were the crimes happening 70 years ago, that are happening these days. John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer. There seem to be so many serial killers these days.

I was thinking, that since the middle-class (majority of the western society) is getting poorer and poorer, and poorness leads to mental issues and/or crime, that crime/mental illness has increased since reagan days.
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I'm trying to find out if mental illnesses are growing in society. I've been looking around but not finding a lot of the info.

I thought mental health issues and crime have increased. Sure, it can be argued that psychology is fairly new, and we are just now getting better at recognizing and diagnosing mental illness.

One surprising statistic I found, shows suicide rates have actually decreased since the 1950s by % of population...But did anyone hear of these beautiful teen girls hanging themselves in the basement of their upper-middle class homes back in the 40s?... sometimes for no apparent reason at all, or because their bf dumped them?

I doubt there were the crimes happening 70 years ago, that are happening these days. John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer. There seem to be so many serial killers these days.

I was thinking, that since the middle-class (majority of the western society) is getting poorer and poorer, and poorness leads to mental issues and/or crime, that crime/mental illness has increased since reagan days.

I do think that we become a nation of people who will get diagnosed for all sorts of sub clinical problems at the drop of a hat,
as a society, we are in danger of medicalizing and turning everyday human experiences into disorders and diseases needing treatment.

I believe we are giving people labels and diagnoses for problems that can be often just the normal ups and downs of life and living.
Honestly Doctors seems to a little too willing to find something wrong with us, many people seem to want something wrong to be diagnosed.

Not to say mental illness is not real, Many do suffer from it, and their life is really affected by mental illness.
it's common to know someone that sufffers from depression, schizophrenia, dementia, etc.

I'm not sure if is increasing or not, But maybe before people were not as outspoken as now days about their symptoms, so they were not being diagnosed.

and yes, Physcology is kindda of new, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with the statistics.
Mental illness has been common for a long time, as have been certain crimes. Jack the Ripper, Billy the Kid, alot of old school royalty suffered mental illnesses such as Roman Emperors.

That being said it is getting worse.

Part of the issue is you will have a hard time finding "facts" due to the generally population being steered mentally like a flock of sheep. Alot is ignored or covered up.

By diagnoses I could get medication for ADD, manic depressive, and anxiety issues. By choice I turn down these medications. I am who I am, no matter how Fked up I am.

One of the newer issues is the chemicals and hormones in our food supply and all around us. All chemical exposures DO have an effect on the body. Also start looking into the BIG issue that is currently "ignored". We surround ourselves with electromagnetic and radio waves 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Our brains(as well as the rest of us) function on a electrical and magnetic based system of communication. By surrounding ourselves in this environment it is having major issues people do not want to admit.

Ever noticed how when you go to the lake for a weekend in a cabin and come back you feel great? Its not from the fresh air, its from your body re-balancing. There is alot of research going into this.

So what happens to brains when they are exposed and forced into chemical imbalanced, plus constantly bombarded with electromagnetic waves? Even during our sleep which slightly alters frequencies and so on?

Some doctors/scientists are starting to warn its not good for us, and will have side effects long term the more we do it. Could also be one of the reasons cancer numbers are sky rocketing as well as more and more people are forced to be enveloped in such things every day of their life. On a cellular level the body is processing so many things not even hawkings mind could calculate it. Your brain is monitoring your entire body from head to toe, being a base for your thought, calculating your needs, adjusting and keeping survival systems in place and working. Then you abuse it with chemicals in our food and water supplies, EM waves, radio waves, and dont expect it to mess up?

BTW you ever get that "phantom vibration" on your leg where you keep your cellphone? thats not your mind playing ticks, its where your nerves get fried some from the cell output.

Now put that right beside your brain talking for hours on end.

If you also want to get into it, there is the spiritual side of it. In which we also look at daemonic oppression and spiritual warfare and its effects on the human mind and emotions. But most likely, people will avoid this because it will turn into the same old argument instead of being kept an intellectual discussion.