Methyl 1 Alpha? (from supplement-ology)


has anyone taken this stuff?
i was just curious of how it was, since M1T is illegal now & i don't have any connections to that.
its a precursor to m1t - probably a decent conversion rate, but not as effective as m1t, and probably just as hard on the liver.
bump this.

anybody have anymore insight on it? my friend was talking to me about it today, said he put 40 pounds on his bench. He also said he's starting to lose his fucking i havnt seen the kid in about a year and he's looking pretty big claiming thats the only thing he this shit anygood? and are the sides that bad....and finally..... IS IT WORTH IT????
Placebo is amazing. Personally I'd rather spend equal or less amount of money on the REAL stuff that I know works.