Methyl 1-Test Guinea Pig

Mudge said:
Gotcha ;)

Week 1: 10 mg/ED
Week 2: 20 mg/ED
Week 3: 30 mg/ED

Yep, that'd be it. I changed it from 5 weeks (week 2 at 15mg/ED and week 4 at 25mg/ED) because my back was hurting like a sunuvabitch off of 10mg/ED and I couldn't stand going for 5 weeks. It's not hurting quite as bad now that I'm up to 20, but we'll see. So far, I absofuckinglutely love this stuff.
Weight has been fluctuating around 212 for the past 2 days or so, but it's dropped back down to the 210 range for the last day and a half, and the pumps are KILLER. I'm just now starting to notice changes in my body comp, or, at least I think I see less bodyfat and more muscle. My strength has been up noticeably for the past 4-5 days, and I only realized today that my biceps actually have peaks. I love this stuff.........or as snoop dogg would say: "This shizznizzle's off tha hizzle, ma bizzle."
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Nice results. And thanks for taking time to do this little log. I for one appreciate it.

Thanks Micro
No prob Micro, I needed a place to keep/track my results and this works great for that purpose, plus helps inform others.

All stats as of waking this morning:

Weight = 209.6 (fairly low water retention; I cut WAY fluids several hours before bed last night to clear out a little bit)
BF% = 12.7
Bicep = Right: 16.5" Left: 15.75"
Chest = 44.5"
Thigh = 25.75"
Calves = 16.875
Waist = 34.5" (Dirty Bulk, lol.)
No, my diet and training haven't changed at all. I'm still just trying to eat as many calories as possible, not really worrying about keeping MOST of them clean. I usually eat clean until my dinner at night, but that and weekends are mostly junk right now still. Still doing the 5x5 for training.
Ok. Final stats, after 3 weeks:

Chest: 45.0"
Biceps: R: 16.625" L: 15.75"
Forearms: 12.75"
Calves: 17.125"
Thighs: 26.0"
Waist: 34.375"

I'll post weight and BF% in the morning, where they are consistent with the previous such measurements. I've tracked my measurements on size morning vs. night and they are the same, only the weight and BF change due to water intake.

I won't post results after 6 weeks, as Nelson said he'd like to see (other thread) because I am immediately beginning a cutting diet and alternately (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on) clen and ECA, to sort of keep my bodyfat in check and to (hopefully) look good for spring break... Therefore, my 6 week out numbers wouldn't be an accurate reflection of keepable gains.

The only sides I've experienced are SLIGHT testicular atrophy (probably 90% in my mind moreso than actual atrophy), low back pain, and pumps that I can't even begin to describe.

I have been getting pumps in my legs (quads - rectus femoris and vastus medialis to be more specific) simply from standing for extended periods, same thing in the arches of my feet. As for the low back pain/cramps, I have pretty much discovered that this is due more to the fact that the erector spinae and other back muscles are constantly used in posture maintenance rather than any hepatoxicity issues.

My strength has increased greatly; I worked out with 260 on bench this week, got all 5 sets of 5 reps fairly easily, whereas 3 weeks ago I was dying and struggling to get 250 for 5 sets of 3, the point where I'd been stuck for the past month beforehand. Squats, I did 325 for 5x5 when a month ago I was stuck at 305 for 5x3, much the same as bench. All other lifts have increased proportionally.

All in all, I'd recommend this compound, but ONLY in the same situation as "real" juice. When one has done the research and knows the risks, reached a decent age (although I am only 18, I've been done growing for the past 1.5 years or so), etc. I would however, definitely NOT RECOMMEND THIS TO A BEGINNER. I don't want any newbs to see my results and think this is a safe alternative to illegal steroids, and they won't see any sides. This IS a steroid, no matter what others might tell you. To all the newbs, please heed this advice.
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Nice log Frog! I've seen similar results and am at day 5 25mg. Mostly helpful as a weightgainer, hardener, along with moderate strength increases.
Ok, final weight: 211.4
Final BF%: 12.4%

I now plan to cut down to ~200 by spring break (6 weeks), and after that bulk up to about 225.

Stone, the strength takes time, or at least it did in my case. I didn't get any truly noticeable increases until almost the end of my 2nd week.