mex juice the bomb and cheaper than most


New member
live close to the border and have access to most of the regular shit you can get in mex just wondering about some quality tren and if so are the kits worth getting?
You got that Right !!!!!

Love the Tornel, Denkal, TTokkyo stuff. Works well, i have not had any problems with it being underdosed as many say . But unfortunately , i lost my source of 12 years to a car accident. So now the search for a new source continies, so who knows what newmexican stuff i will get , hope its as good as once was . Big F'n Bump to you !!!!!!! Anthony
The ttokkyo gear I used was the worst experience of my life, huge painfull lumps and almost no growth
grafix-gnc said:
buffdaw, lol... whats with all the bad ass avatars lately?

Shit Grafix, I was tired of seeing all of you guys with the good ones, so I went and find me a bunch of good ones!!!:p