Mid 50's, female: training, diet


Bad Mother Fucker
I've been training a lady and she really seems to enjoy it. She is a rather frail person but I can already see the weight training helping that.

She has developed some sort of allergy to red meats (rashes) but can eat dairy, fish, and chicken with no problems. They are working on the allergy problem.

I am wondering about food and training for her...

I am a powerlifter so am glad to see want strength and muscular size (she understands it will not be what could be produced for someone younger and enhanced but nevertheless I can already see small improvements).

Any training advice and dietary tips would be appreciated.
KentuckyPWRLFTR said:
I've been training a lady and she really seems to enjoy it. She is a rather frail person but I can already see the weight training helping that.

She has developed some sort of allergy to red meats (rashes) but can eat dairy, fish, and chicken with no problems. They are working on the allergy problem.

I am wondering about food and training for her...

I am a powerlifter so am glad to see want strength and muscular size (she understands it will not be what could be produced for someone younger and enhanced but nevertheless I can already see small improvements).

Any training advice and dietary tips would be appreciated.

Hmmmm.....I think you need to be a bit more specific. I could give out tons of tips.....what does she want to achieve?
Miss Muscle said:
Hmmmm.....I think you need to be a bit more specific. I could give out tons of tips.....what does she want to achieve?

Mea Culpa...

She wants to put on muscular size and strength. She does not mind gaining a weight. Some good dietary practices for someone in her age group and a realistic training program would be very helpful.

I personally don't feel like she should be training any different than a 20-30 year old. Progressively heavier weights and make sure she is getting enough protein. She should be eating at least one gram of protein per lb of bodyweight. I would have her weight training about 3x/week to start. Maybe do cardio on her non-weight training days. She really needs to be taking a good calcium supplement at her age as well. Wish you two the best of luck!!!
jul said:
I personally don't feel like she should be training any different than a 20-30 year old. Progressively heavier weights and make sure she is getting enough protein. She should be eating at least one gram of protein per lb of bodyweight. I would have her weight training about 3x/week to start. Maybe do cardio on her non-weight training days. She really needs to be taking a good calcium supplement at her age as well. Wish you two the best of luck!!!
I agree. Weight training 3 times a week and cardio 3 times. Definately get her to take 6-9 fish oil tabs daily.....preferably 9 because of her age.

And like Jul said......lots of calcium.

Her age really isn't a factor here.

Thank you. I have been trying to do exactly that with her. On Mon, Wed, Fri she trains. Short sessions on Mon and Fri, longer/full body on Wed. Leg presses, Bench Presses, and triceps on Monday, full body Wednesday, and on Friday she does some back and bicep.

It is crude but she only gets to train for half an hour on Monday and Friday.

I am working on her dietary practices, now. She has lowered bone density so I wanna get her plenty of calcium and magnesium
If it were me, I would have her doing upper/lower body splits. Alternating between upper and lower. So one week she would be hitting legs twice then the next upper twice and so on. As a woman, I feel she needs to emphasize back width and shoulder training on upper body days. I always try to put those first in my workouts then finish with chest, and arms. She needs to train calves every leg day. As far as only getting 30 mins on Monday and Fridays, I think that should be plenty of time. I just do one hard rest pause set myself for each bodypart.

I would go with Calcium citrate for a calcium supplement vs carbonate too. And you are MORE than welcome, KP!!! Keep us updated on her progress.

Miss Muscle and jul:

Calcium and magnesium along with fish oils for supplementation.

jul: What about lower on Monday, full body on Wednesday, and upper on Friday? I know it's not exactly your suggestion, and it's unorthodox to sat the least, but it seems it could work best vis a vis her schedule.

I have no idea her age, it's a guess... one thing I have learned is, if she wants me to know she'll tell me, lol. I took her own because she was toiling away with the machines and had little rhyme or reason. She immediately dug the free weights and that won me over in a second. A middle aged woman who doesn't mind putting on some some muscular size and strength. A little slice of heaven...
Hey Kentucky PL. I am going to have to agree with MM here. I would suggest just rotating upper and lower body each time.
Looking good Kentucky!!!!! If you read through alot of the stickies on this site, than you'll learn a great deal about bodybuilding in a short amount of time!!!!