So I'm doing a 10 week Test-E cycle at 500mg/wk. Here are my blood test results. Would love to hear everyone's opinions/any recommendations.
- Haematology is fine (RBC, WBC, platelets, etc.)
- Glucose is fine, fasting 4.5 mmol/l
- Cholesterol a little bit of a worry.
Total Chol. 5.1 (ref range: <5.6 mmol/l)
HDL decreased to 1.0 (ref range: >1.0 mmol/l)
LDL increased to 3.8 (ref range: <2.5 mmol/l)
- Iron a little low 9.9 (ref range: 10.0-30.0 umol/l)
- TSH 4.83 (ref range: 0.35-5.50 mIU/l)
- Estradiol a little high 197 (ref range: <150 pmol/l)
- and finally ofcourse the Testtosterone:
Serum 93.3 (ref range: 8.0-30.3 nmol/l)
Free Test >2000 (ref range: 170-500 pmol/l)
So obviously my test was real and is WAY above normal ranges, which is a huge relief. Would love some feedback from anyone who has some knowledge.
PS sorry for the unit measurements, I'm in Australia.
- Haematology is fine (RBC, WBC, platelets, etc.)
- Glucose is fine, fasting 4.5 mmol/l
- Cholesterol a little bit of a worry.
Total Chol. 5.1 (ref range: <5.6 mmol/l)
HDL decreased to 1.0 (ref range: >1.0 mmol/l)
LDL increased to 3.8 (ref range: <2.5 mmol/l)
- Iron a little low 9.9 (ref range: 10.0-30.0 umol/l)
- TSH 4.83 (ref range: 0.35-5.50 mIU/l)
- Estradiol a little high 197 (ref range: <150 pmol/l)
- and finally ofcourse the Testtosterone:
Serum 93.3 (ref range: 8.0-30.3 nmol/l)
Free Test >2000 (ref range: 170-500 pmol/l)
So obviously my test was real and is WAY above normal ranges, which is a huge relief. Would love some feedback from anyone who has some knowledge.
PS sorry for the unit measurements, I'm in Australia.