Mid Cycle blood work results.....Opinions


New member
Stats: Age 44
Height 5'9 1/2
Weight 218
BF% 15

Test Total - 2464 Range 241-827 ng/dl
Estradiol - 19
TSH - .63 Range .35-4.94 uIU/mL
LH - <0.5 Undetectable range?
Red blood count - 6.02 Range 4.30-5.90 mil/cu mm
Hemoglobin - 18.5 Range 13.5-17.5 g/dL
Hematocrit - 51.7 Range 37.0-53.0%
Creatinine - 1.51 Range .72-1.25 mg/dL
Bun - 13 Range 8-25 mg/dL
Bun/Creat Ratio - 9 Range 10-20
Sodium - 141 Range 135-145
HDL Cholesterol - 31 Range >40mg/dL
LDL - 73 Range <=130 mg/dL
Total Cholesterol - 134 Range 100-199 mg/dL

Is there anything I'm missing?
Doctor is worried about my LH and FSH being at undetectable levels. Also worried about my creatinine and GFR for kidney function??

Any help from the experts here would be appreciated!!!

Thank you
Test Total - 2464 Range 241-827 ng/dl

Doctor is worried about my LH and FSH being at undetectable levels. Also worried about my creatinine and GFR for kidney function??

In a high protein diet, creatinine will be higher.

Looks like you're on cycle, why are you consulting a dr? Do they not know about your usage? If you are on a cycle or blasting or even cruising your LH/FSH will be low to non-existent. That's what happens when you pin. You shut down your HPTA.

Height 5'9 1/2
Sorry but this cracks me up, just call it what it is bro, you're 5'9 :)
Lol, yes I'm on cycle, forgot to put that in the stats. 500 mg test C a week.

I used to be 5'10"...... so writing 5'9" is kind of tough for me!

I consulted doctor for blood work and yes she knows I'm on cycle, she just doesn't know anything about it or working out for that matter.

Thanks for the info!!
Lol, yes I'm on cycle, forgot to put that in the stats. 500 mg test C a week.

I used to be 5'10"...... so writing 5'9" is kind of tough for me!

Thanks for the info!!

Hematocrit is a little high though, I'd consider donating blood soon. Just to keep it in check.
Just going to echo what others have said:

Hematocrit is getting too high. Donate blood to lower it.

LH and FSH are supposed to be shut down. You are taking exogenous testosterone so you pituitary is not sending those signals to your testicles since your body doesn't need to make any more Testosterone. It senses that it already has plenty. This is to be expected when cycling. You may want to read up more on how the HPTA works so you can understand this process.

Your kidneys are taking a beating. You need to drink more water. A lot more. Keep an eye on this with more blood work and be ready to shut your cycle down if it continues to get worse. Keep an eye on your BP too. Blowing out a kidney just isn't worth it.

How much and which AI are you using. Your estradiol looks too low. Can you post the reference range so we can see if you had the regular or sensitive assay done?

How long had you been on cycle when you had this blood work drawn? Is it a peak or trough result?

Are you pinning once or twice a week?

What else are you running on cycle?

How much protein are you consuming daily?
I've been on cycle for 11 weeks so I'm almost done. Would've had labs done sooner but my first appointment got screwed up. I'm not on anything else, just the Test C. Taking liquid Dex from RUI .25ml EOD. I drink a lot of water every day and I consume around 250-275 grams of protien every day. I pin twice a week mon and thurs.

I don't know if my blood work is peak or trough or if they did a sensitive or regular assay. I will need to use a private lab next time, my doctor really didn't know anything about all this and the labs don't say a lot!

My creatinine has always been a little high. I will do more reading on my hormones, anything else you can think of??