Mid-cycle labs- Can I continue past 12 weeks?

Hematocrit isn't a deal killer it's a killer. Go ahead and have a stroke or heart attack. No biggie. What do you mean second half. You really planned a 24 week cycle? Are you usually the smartest guy you know?
Hematocrit isn't a deal killer it's a killer. Go ahead and have a stroke or heart attack. No biggie. What do you mean second half. You really planned a 24 week cycle? Are you usually the smartest guy you know?

Seriously? Did you read or understand anything? Even the title of the thread is MID-CYCLE LABS!!!!! THAT MEANS I AM HALF WAY THROUGH MY CYCLE!!! You fucking toad, even the first sentence of my post says I'm on a 12 week cycle! I'M NOT THE SMARTEST GUY I KNOW BUT EVIDENTLY I'M SMARTER THAN YOU. YOU LOOKED AT MY LABS AND ADVISED ME TO STICK TO MY PLAN AND RECOVER. READ YOUR OWN SHIT. I'M TAKING YOUR ADVICE SO QUIT FLAMING ME. It's easy to see who has legit experience and who is just a cocky dousche that used some drugs and came to talk some trash. Ask yourself where you fall in.
Are you now saying that I'm going to have a stroke in the next 6 weeks?

Easy bro, calm down that 2500 test...You have guys giving you sound advice, so chill on the name calling ESPECIALLY calling the boss a toad???
Seriously? Did you read or understand anything? Even the title of the thread is MID-CYCLE LABS!!!!! THAT MEANS I AM HALF WAY THROUGH MY CYCLE!!! You fucking toad, even the first sentence of my post says I'm on a 12 week cycle! I'M NOT THE SMARTEST GUY I KNOW BUT EVIDENTLY I'M SMARTER THAN YOU. YOU LOOKED AT MY LABS AND ADVISED ME TO STICK TO MY PLAN AND RECOVER. READ YOUR OWN SHIT. I'M TAKING YOUR ADVICE SO QUIT FLAMING ME. It's easy to see who has legit experience and who is just a cocky dousche that used some drugs and came to talk some trash. Ask yourself where you fall in.

I'm on a 12 week cycle of Test Cyp. 500mg/wk and Deca 300mg/wk and .5 Anastrozole EOD. Labs look good and I would like to know if I could
continue on PAST the 12 weeks.

your own words give the impression that you are near the 12 week mark and you want to know if you should continue on PAST the 12 week mark
Donate blood every 56 days. That's TRT 101, which your doc should have informed you about. Also, I'd stop pulling labs when you're at supraphysiological levels, I promise you that if there were an investigation by the board, she'd roll over on you in a heart beat, and drop your therapy.

You can have a great rapport with your doctor, but don't ever assume that they value your friendship over their medical license. Go make an appointment with the red cross ASAP.
I haven't even ran my cycle yet but this is how I see it...

If you have some iffy looking labs then why not just lower back to trt and save your extra blast medicine? In terms of the test you're never really off anyway so even stopping for awhile to let hematocrit come down and until you can donate more blood and pick the blast back up?

I only say this because I was talking to a private doc about steroid usage, not necessarily saying I am going to run a cycle just yet... But just poking around questions to feel it out, doc told me the number one major thing people overlook or blow off is hematocrit levels and that's the number one killer in steroid users. Ultimately the high levels lead to the clots which cause most of the heart attacks or strokes in AAS use.

Obviously I don't know too much but this is what my doctor told me, wouldn't want someone on here to say fuck their health to run a few more weeks of test... Doesn't seem worth it. If it were me, I have a family so I would chill out and pickup the cycle again when health is more optimal.
Donate blood every 56 days. That's TRT 101, which your doc should have informed you about. Also, I'd stop pulling labs when you're at supraphysiological levels, I promise you that if there were an investigation by the board, she'd roll over on you in a heart beat, and drop your therapy.

You can have a great rapport with your doctor, but don't ever assume that they value your friendship over their medical license. Go make an appointment with the red cross ASAP.

So yes, I am about half way through a 12 week cycle. I do give blood and will be able to again in about 3 1/2 weeks.
I get my labs done on my own and the time I was high on test level won't happen again. Like I said I can't ask about steroids I know how the world works.
So you think that based on these labs, I should not continue with the second half (6 weeks) of my cycle?