midway through 1st cycle questions


New member
Starting week 6 of my cycle..
Starting stats were 33 years old
5'11 84kg 10% bf

Dbol 4 weeks: 30mg
Test e: 500mg per week
For 12 weeks
Adex .5 every other day
Hcg 250 iu twice per week day before test week 1-13.5

Week 14/17


Like I said im at week 6 I am rather bloated so I realise quiet some gains are water but I have gained 22lb or 10kg in 6 weeks is that too much? I have been told big gains from test kick in around now...guess im worries about stretch marks! Im taking adex eod and im not bloated that bad that others notice a moon face haha.

Also the other question is one side im getting is pimples all over pretty bad actually. Im washing twice a day exfoliating, washing in anti pimple cream and apply pimple creams, any other ways I can get rid of it or am I going to have to ride it out? Worried I wont be able to wear a singlet soon.
And start taking zinc for the acne. It'll help a little.

As stated by the wise one above, get your blood checked and post it here. That's the only way to give you an exact answer to help you.
when im bulking I aim for 1-2lbs a week. So 22lbs up and only half way threw cycle might be a bit to much weight. But everyone body and goals are diff so if ur happy with that keep going.
No worries Megatron... I live in a small town so worst part is my results from my bloods may take a week or 2 as they don't class it as the doctor doesn't classify me wanting a hormone profile as urgent.

Thanks for the heads up on zinc... ill clarify that it's only small pimples doesn't look like acne just plenty of tiny pimples haha.

Why take dbol if you're worried about zits and bloating. Couldn't have taken a worse oral for that...

Dbol has been stopped over 2 weeks ago... I didn't get the pimples til recently, I didn't say I was overly worries about bloat.... holding water is what keeps my strength up. I actually said have I gained to much weight too quickly that I don't want stretch marks ;)
I didn't say you were overly worried about bloat buddy. But if your worried about rapid weight gain and stretch marks then again dbol was not the oral of choice.....
Dbol bloats me more then any other oral. Blood work would tell a lot. How much water are u drinking per day? Also, tetracycline does miracles for my acne while on cycle.