might as well-first pics


futile amnesiac
well, i've been hanging around on this board for a bit and am enjoying the stay. though there are some crazy mf's on this board, i think it may be my new gear home. so i figured i'd throw my hat in the ring. this is me after a bulker last summer, on a cutter now and looking a bit leaner then here. let me know what ya think.
thanks guys. stats are 25yo, 6'2 and 1/2, 246 in those pics, on second cycle now and at 243 but a lot leaner and a fuck of a lot harder due to little water weight and the masteron and Winstrol (winny). i know i need to work on traps and a few other areas, but you should have seen the before pic. i trained my ass of since i was 18 and just hit a wall, researched the hell out of gear, read and read for about a year, and finally took the plunge. i felt i was careful and smart about it, and it showed in my progress and overall health. thanks again.