New member
So today I injected 250mg of test in my left glute for like the 14th time. Except this time I was bleeding profusely out of the injection site. Yes, I aspirated and NO BLOOD entered the syringe, only air bubbles. Anyway, I cleaned up and threw the syringe and blood soaked alcohol pads into a plastic bag. Me and my friend were driving to go get food and I quickly got out went into a train station to throw the plastic bag out into one of the huge public trash cans. As I entered the station to throw the trash away, one cop glared at me for like 2 seconds as if I committed a crime lol =(. I stuffed the bag into the trash and walked out... I'm generally a very very paranoid and anxious person. What are the chances of that cop going into the trash and opening up that plastic bag to see what I threw out? Would he do that? I mean if he was suspicious of me he would have just stopped me right away right? Why would he just let me walk out.. lol I know this sounds stupid to you guys, but in my head I'm really nervous =/ lol. any ideas? thanks