might stay on


Community Veteran
well i go back to the docs for more blood work aug 4. if things check out ok . i am going to stay on till i get to my goal.

had a long talk with the wife about it and she supports me [doesnt like it] but supports me.

if things go right [fingers crossed] in these next few weeks i will be coming into some much needed funds and will be adding gh for a 6 month run.

if doc says to come off for a spell though than i will do so. my health must come first.

it hinges on 2 things my blood work and funds. hoping both turn out good:)
johnny, i am currently running tren, cyp and t3

tren 100mgs ed
cyp 500mgs aweek
t3 50 mcgs aday

i will drop the tren and t3 and run test and gh and then gh all by itself to lean out
Sounds good. Glad to see your droping the tren, and most importantly getting your bloodwork done to see where you stand. Very smart move my friend.
thanks bigdelt. my health has to come first.

hope things go well for you brother

thanks buffdawg
Without the tren and t3. I think it's be fine, how long are you going test with the hgh. You might want to think about some anavar after the test is done. It can help with leaning out.

johnny, not sure yet bro. what would you suggest. 3 months with test 3 without? open for all suggestions

i will probably run it at 750 mgs aweek

anavar sounds good
house1 said:

it hinges on 2 things my blood work and funds. hoping both turn out good:)

Good luck with that!

Any improvement with your sleep problems?

house1 said:
johnny, i am currently running tren, cyp and t3

tren 100mgs ed
cyp 500mgs aweek
t3 50 mcgs aday

i will drop the tren and t3 and run test and gh and then gh all by itself to lean out

have you ever ran tren @ EOD? and how long you doing the tren for?
house1 said:
well i go back to the docs for more blood work aug 4. if things check out ok . i am going to stay on till i get to my goal.

had a long talk with the wife about it and she supports me [doesnt like it] but supports me.

if things go right [fingers crossed] in these next few weeks i will be coming into some much needed funds and will be adding gh for a 6 month run.

if doc says to come off for a spell though than i will do so. my health must come first.

it hinges on 2 things my blood work and funds. hoping both turn out good:)

Best of luck house1, hope your blood tests come out good. Play it safe bro. and stay focused! Let us know how it turns out!
Good Luck brother.

I too have decided to stay on. In doing so, I'm dropping my dosage way down from where I was at and going long term.

I'm tired of the up and down struggle of putting on muscle and then losing it, then putting it on and yadda yadda yadda...when I get to my goal, I'll make a new decision then.
Just make sure you run a boatload of stuff to help protect your body as well...I'm throwing in:

CLA 15g a day
Green Tea 3g a day
R-ala 1g a day
Biotin 10mg a day
ALCAR 4g a day

amongst vitamins, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 7 weeks, and a bunch of other stuff to help protect my body.
rado, i have been running the tren for a while now

db, some nights are good and some still suck

thanks for all the help guys