stop fn staring!
Jordin Tootoo vs Ryan Miller Incident (December 3, 2011) Tootoo Miller - YouTube
I can't stand Tootoo.......
I can't stand Tootoo.......

At least he got suspended! Miller took action too quick though, if he would have laid on the ice for a minute he would have gotten more. I understand why he did though because when he got ran before nobody stepped up, they were pussies about it!
At least he got suspended! Miller took action too quick though, if he would have laid on the ice for a minute he would have gotten more. I understand why he did though because when he got ran before nobody stepped up, they were pussies about it!
this is true but you got to remember this is his life not just a game. I'm from Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is a hard town with sports teams. I agree with him not playing. He's one of the best. If he doesn't feel good to play then don't. One wrong move and he could be messed up forever. Look at Ali. He's so messed up and crosby could be the same. I watch every game and its 50 50. Half the player wanna hit him hard and the other ate scared too. It's not fair to those teams who are more scared to hit him.This is Bettman's view of hockey and if you ask me, it's bullshit. All of these concussions and other injuries are a product of the new NHL. He is trying to make this into basketball. Turning the league into a finess game with a penalty for blowing air on the guy and you get interference. If this were the 90's Crosby would not be in the predicament he is in either. He would have a guy like Probert or McSorley to protect him. Now fighting is the devil in this joke of a league. I am not a big Crosby supporter, but take him out of the game and it hurts the NHL because he is a dynamic player.
I understand your points, but all I am saying is that with the era of the European hockey players the game is now more of a finess game. I am from Detroit and absolutely love watching Datsuyk make the moves he does, but I still miss the days where we looked forward to a Tony Twist vs. Marty McSorely more so than who won the contest. I just think that after the lockout the game has become more of a primadonna game. The days of plowing someone into the boards and seeing hits like Nick Kronwall put on players do not happen anymore. By all means Crosby should not play, look at Pat LaFontaine. I am just saying in the old NHL I do not think that all these concussions would be such an issue. I also believe that the advancement of the equipment is partially to blame. Players do not have the respect they did back then either. I remember playing juniors and using the old style shoulder pads that had no padding but that of cardboard. All of my teammates said I was crazy.