Milos Sarcev

Found in Synthol article:

"Allegedly, IFBB pro Milos Sarcev had a scare recently when supposedly, some of the Synthol in his arms traveled to his heart. This sounds like an enormous amount of risk simply for the benefit of inflated arms and calves, but bodybuilders are not normal people."

What a dork.
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Mr. dB said:
That dumbell row pose (1, 4, 28, 38) is totally gay.


Yeah, I was suprised how little weight he is using in any / all of the pics where they show him lifting something. Like the 1 arm row pic, for all those weights that is only about 200lbs. Most of us little guys work out with like 150 - 160 lbs doing those. Same with the bench, just 315.

Is a big dude though no doubt.