Minimum amount of time for rest between orals?


New member
Since we have some doctors on here and some really smart bros, I was wondering what you felt was the least amount of time to take off between running orals? Meaning, lets say I just stopped a Test/Dbol cycle that was run for 8 weeks, how long should I stay off of all orals for until I jump on some again?......J
You should be o.k up to six weeks orals - I wouldn't go above eight. It all depends how many orals and dosages though of course.
everyone is different some people get elevated liver enzymes off of light oral cycles some can go heavy orals for 6-8 weeks with little or no side effects if you can manage to get a checkup with blood work a time or two it will give you an idea how orals effect you , the doseages also make an difference a 25 mg a day dbol cycle could run a lot longer than a 75 mg cycle , and now im gonna get on my soap box and tell you that when your running a lot of orals YOU SHOULD lay of the booze and over the counter pain meds , you liver has enough to worry about without the extra work
You need to get a blood test. It will be the only way to determine if it's ok to get back on. Period.
I am with maxx on this...always hit the doc up for some blood work..if liver values are cool, you are good to go...dependent on you after care and how you did on the could be 4 weeks out or you could be 10 weeks out...from seeing my doctor, i have found that time off does not necessarily mean time off...with blood work done, you can best gauge when to hit it again...

mvmaxx said:
You need to get a blood test. It will be the only way to determine if it's ok to get back on. Period.

This is the straight poop. It's accurate, scientific, and safe. It takes the biological individuality variable out of the equation.
That being said, if enzymes ARE elevated, degree of elevation does not necessarily correlate w/ degree of liver damage or functionality.