Mislead by Gear Supplier; Help please


New member
35 years old 5' 11" 195 lbs.
In the middle of a very screwed up cycle. I never knew the dangers concerning what I was getting involved with. I trusted my health to a longtime friend and now I'm worried.
8 weeks : Tren E 100mg .
8 weeks : Test E 200mg
Started cycle with .5 cc every third day for 1st three weeks then jumped to 1 cc every 3rd day till about week 8. I was keeping my gear at his place and suddenly it was up. Cold turkey for 3 weeks (yeah I know) was advised it would be ok I'd Bounce back with the new stuff he had coming. Again, long long time very good friend.
Tri Tren 200 mg
Started this with 1cc each every other day for first week and have since dropped to .5cc each every other day.
Now you're caught up. How am I even functioning? I've been reading an awful lot because I started seeing a lot of acne towards the very end of those 3 weeks no gear and I got really scared. YES I KNOW I SHOULDVE DONE MY OWN RESEARCH. I'm sure I'll regret this for a long time to come.
Gentlemen I need help to prepare a PCT to clean me up.
Not currently experiencing any real sides. Acne has all but disappeared. Seeing lots of really good gains, size and strength. Though these may mean little when concerning overall health after cycle.
Someone please help me develop a PCT. I envy you guys that this info down to a molecular science. It amazes me. Any and all insight is appreciated.

P.s. I know I've made mistakes on my cycle so unless you are willing to help please keep other useless comments to yourself.
For starters, take a deep breath and relax. :) I've seen much, much, MUCH worse here.

So 350mg of tren and 750mg of test per week, ya? I don't see mention of an AI, so am I to assume you don't have one?

Are you planning on finishing this cycle, or do you want out now? You say no sides, how's the man downstairs working? (tren is a HORRIBLE first timer choice)

The FAQ thread in the stickies has a great outline of a proper PCT. I'd type it down, but I honestly don't have it memorized as I'm on TRT, and don't PCT.

My .02c :)