Mistakes on my 1st Cycle


New member
So now that I'm planning out my 2nd cycle (launching mid summer) I thought it would be a good time to reflect on my 1st cycle mistakes. I know most people don***8217;t like to admit their mistakes but as long as you learn from them mistakes can be healthy, so here we go.

1. Not getting blood tests***8230; stupid enough said

2. Running T3 for the first 4 weeks of test e cycle. I thought I could lose some fat before the test e kicked in but little did I know I am very sensitive to T3, which made me very heat sensitive to the point where I couldn***8217;t sleep***8230; (No sleep = Dead on my feet)

3. Running test e for only 8 weeks. This was due to dosing at 250mg E3D and losing some test just from pulling into the needle etc etc some gets lost along the way. Next cycle will be 12 weeks

4. Overreacting from itchy/puffy nipples. First thing I thought was OHH SH*T Ima have man boobs forever. Hit it with nolva and letro at 2.5mg/day which ended up killing my libido

5. Life changes. This is referring to starting graduate school the same time as my cycle. Again little did I know grad school was going to keep me on campus for 8hrs/ day compared to undergrad when I skipped all classes and pulled a 3.7gpa lol. This momentarily through off my feeding schedule which I quickly adapted. Next cycle I will make sure I***8217;m in a solid routine that will remain the same.

6. Not thinking about my specific body. I had a very small case of pubertal gyno, which should have prompted me to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from to get go (even at very small doses) instead of waiting for estro problems to arise. Also from when I was in high school and experimenting with some other illegal substances (lsd, mushrooms, etc.) it always took longer for these to hit me relative to my friends. From this I prolly should have known that other substances (test e) will take longer to hit than normal (took ~5weeks to notice gains)

So here are the mistakes I made. All in all I packed on 10+ lbs of muscle and put 30lbs on my bench, which I have sustained for nearly 6 months now and my max deadlift has gone up 15lbs since ending post cycle therapy (pct).

Maybe some first timers can learn from this and feel free to post some mistakes you have made.
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Good post my man. I rarely see people come across this board and admit there own mistakes. Alot can be learned from people like you. Once agian thanks for the info on ology.
Thanks fellas. Hopefully acknowledging and learning from my pitfalls helps my next cycle put this one to shame.