New member
Total bilirubin is really low at 0.4 mg/dL -- and unchanged from the baseline bloods I did before starting. I barely drink - maybe 1-2 drinks a month if that and I haven't at all since starting the cycle.
All I'm taking is LGD and MK-677. You stated before that LGD is not hard on the liver, and in all my research I haven't seen a mention of MK being problematic either... so the question remains, what could be causing the elevated values? Just working out harder?
I'm ordering UDCA from RUI as we speak. What is a good brand of NAC besides what RUI carries? I'll report back after my next test.
Thanks for your comments and guidance, much appreciated.
It does not seem like you have any real liver damage or disease or such, but something definitely is stressing it. It most likely is the LGD and you are one of the few who get that side effect from it. You know how drugs list a zillion side effects on them? That is because 1% of those who take them get one of those odd ones. I took androgel for my TRT because I was afraid of needles. I am one of the 1% who gets the mental side effects from the transport material (which contains lye!). I sufferent dysphoria, rage, sudden emotional shifts, anxiety (for the first time in my life), moodiness, suicidal thoughts, and it was all topped off by a nice layer of paranoia. So when my wife told me about the emotional hell I entered, I thought she was just trying to get me and control me and such.
So yeah, something is causing it. MK677 is not, if anything it should help your liver heal.