Mixing oils.. Question?


Hey guys, heres my issue.. I'm currently on a test-e only cycle and tried a new lab.. Well my body doesnt like it very much (UGL Test-e 300), bad pip, very hard muscle tissue, oil moving out of muscle.. Well I have some UGL test-e 250 from previous cycle that was painless. So i figured i would try drawing up both oils in a single syringe and shooting it.. I pulled the test 250 first then immediately when i pulled the 300 it started to crystallize when it mixed with the 250.. Both vials look perfectly clear? I moved the syringe up and down and it seemed to settle somewhat.. Is this common when mixing two different oils? I shot it and there was alot less pip compared to just shooting the 300 alone.. Thanks!
Hey guys, heres my issue.. I'm currently on a test-e only cycle and tried a new lab.. Well my body doesnt like it very much (UGL Test-e 300), bad pip, very hard muscle tissue,

Typically, post injection pain is due to a number of reasons:

* High concentration (300mg/ml)
* Hormone crystallized after injected
* high BA/BB%
* Large injection volume (2ml)
* Ethyl Oleate

From my experience in using high concentrated Test E (200-300mg/ml), I cay say for certain that this does cause post injection pain. Another very likely reason is injecting a large volume (2ml). Even when it is injected into the huge buttock muscles, 2ml is big enough to cause a stretch and form a sizable lump of oil for a few days, and a dull but long lasting pain usually comes with it.

oil moving out of muscle..

At which muscle and how many ml did you inject?

From my experience, oil flowing back out of muscle after injecting tends to happen more when I inject a large volume (1.5ml+) and I inject too quickly, such as injecting 1ml in under 30 seconds.

Also, I noticed that certain injection spots tend to keep the oil in better: Soft, fatty part of the butt that can expand easier.

Well I have some UGL test-e 250 from previous cycle that was painless. So i figured i would try drawing up both oils in a single syringe and shooting it.. I pulled the test 250 first then immediately when i pulled the 300 it started to crystallize when it mixed with the 250.. Both vials look perfectly clear? I moved the syringe up and down and it seemed to settle somewhat.. Is this common when mixing two different oils? I shot it and there was alot less pip compared to just shooting the 300 alone.. Thanks!

The crystallization sounds like it's just a typical case where a highly concentrated solution becomes insoluble after being tampered with. In your case, the "tampering" could be the transferring / mixing of the oils. It is no big deal.

From my experience, mixing an oil that easily crystallizes (Drostanolone/Masteron Propionate) with other oils that do not crystallize (Boldenone, Test E, Deca) has a positive effect: The combined solution doesn't crystallize :D.
I'm only injecting 1ml into delts with a 1/2" slin pin, I know I'm getting into the muscle because when I just shoot the T250 i have zero issues.. This new to me lab is very well respected, I don't know why I'm having so many problems with it.. I split it up .5ml of my old stuff (t250) and .5ml of the new stuff (t300) and I still get some pip but not as bad as shooting the t300 straight up.. The t250 gives me zero pip. Also I shoot very slow, one other thing i noticed is the t250 is thicker than the t300.. Maybe I'm having a bad reaction to the oil base used in the t300, first i thought it was the vial so I popped another one and its the same issue..
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try pulling some air into the syringe after drawing the 2 substances and tilting the syringe back & forth. the air bubble should help make it a uniform liquid. i don't see any reason why this is happening though unless one distributor added any additional solvents
I'm only injecting 1ml into delts with a 1/2" slin pin, I know I'm getting into the muscle because when I just shoot the T250 i have zero issues..

Delt is pretty small compared to the buttock, so if your T300 is thin, it increases the chance of the oil flowing back out. This is to be expected. What you can do is after you inject, withdraw the needle about 10 sec slower than how you typically do it, and use your free hand and fingers to put pressure on the injection spot, and keep it there for 2 minutes at least. This helps clot up the opening and should prevent the oil from flowing out.

If this doesn't fix the problem, then you might want to try using a 1" 25 gauge needle to deliver the oil a bit deeper into the delt muscle.

This new to me lab is very well respected, I don't know why I'm having so many problems with it.. I split it up .5ml of my old stuff (t250) and .5ml of the new stuff (t300) and I still get some pip but not as bad as shooting the t300 straight up.. The t250 gives me zero pip. Also I shoot very slow, one other thing i noticed is the t250 is thicker than the t300..

I'm glad you mentioned this last part. The T250 is less concentrated than T300... 250mg < 300mg, so theoretically, the T250 should be less thick than the T300. But apparently, the T300 is less thick. Therefore, the following are very possible explanations:

1. The T300 has more BB (and possibly more BA), making it less thick
2. The T300 has Ethyl Oleate, making it less thick

As mentioned before, BB and/or Ethyl Oleate (EO) can cause bad post injection pain. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Ethyl Oleate, but it's a sweet smelling liquid used as a solvent/carrier to dissolve hormones. If your T300 has a strong, sweet smell to it, then there is a good chance it has EO.

PS: You should never try the T800... or you'll become the Terminator (or will walk like one for a few days) :p.
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try pulling some air into the syringe after drawing the 2 substances and tilting the syringe back & forth. the air bubble should help make it a uniform liquid. i don't see any reason why this is happening though unless one distributor added any additional solvents

This is a really good suggestion!