Mixing Test and Deca

Yes, you can mix oil w/oil and water w/ water...oil and water don't mix. Master of the obvious here. I mix sus and dec in same inject.
Old Balls said:
Yes, you can mix oil w/oil and water w/ water...oil and water don't mix. Master of the obvious here. I mix sus and dec in same inject.

It's obvious they don't actually mix, but I heard that it's fine to draw an oil and a water and inject in 1 syringe? Correct me if I'm wrong..
I have always been told not to mix oil and water in the same syringe. I'm no doctor, but I stick to keeping like with like.
Wtf are we talking about water. I can just put 1cc of test e and 1cc of deca and be good right? I dont have to mix any bac water?
rchurchman said:
Wtf are we talking about water. I can just put 1cc of test e and 1cc of deca and be good right? I dont have to mix any bac water?
Yes you can mix test and deca.No water needed.lol :spank:
rchurchman said:
Wtf are we talking about water. I can just put 1cc of test e and 1cc of deca and be good right? I dont have to mix any bac water?

LOL! Yes that's good. Sorry for jacking your thread it was a totally different topic.
Some gear is water based, like Winstrol (winny) and other is oil based, like your test and deca. You can mix the oil based gear together.
rchurchman said:
Wtf are we talking about water. I can just put 1cc of test e and 1cc of deca and be good right? I dont have to mix any bac water?

If you don't know what they are saying,and don't know if you can mix deca and test.Maybe you shouldn't be using gear yet.
carolinacrackah said:
I have mixed both oil and water solutions together in the same syringe.
Not to jack the thread again, but you didnt have any issues with the site after injecting oil and water?