mk 677 stacked with peptides and pramipexole


Well-known member
When i first read about mk 677 i thought it was interesting but i didn't want to take a drug that caused a 24 hour gh bleed. When doing more research it doesn't cause a bleed and it doesn't cause one massive pulse. It works differently then peptides do, it increases gh by allowin the pituitary gland to pulse much larger amounts when it does pulse gh every 3-5 hour pulse.

MK-677 is an orally active nonpeptide spiropiperidine previously demonstrated to be functionally indistinguishable in vitro and in vivo from GH-releasing peptide, a relatively selective GH secretagogue. MK-677 enhances the pulsatile release of GH, resulting in sustained elevations in IGF-I, and is well tolerated after oral administration in animals, healthy young men, and older men and women.

The only downfall of mk 677 is after a while of use your body begins to build a tolerance to it. So i would think 2 weeks on 2 weeks off would be a wonderful protocol.

Peptides simply make the pituitary gland pulse and pulse large amounts. I would see these as best friends.

Pramipexole causes one gigantic pulse right after administration, double that of peptides and it last about 2 hours 30 minutes longer then a peptide pulse. The studied groups of pramipexole built no tolerance in fact the longer they took it the better it worked. It has a 8-12 hr half life so you could get two good doses of pramipexole a day giving 2 very large pulses.

So I'm curious if anyone thinks a strategiclly timed regimen of peptides pre meals pramipexole 30 minutes before postworkout and then pre bed and mk 677 at 2 weeks on 2 weeks off is worth trying? Haven't been able to find any logs or any info related to such a regimen.

Ive been thinking about adding mk 677 So thoughts or advice is appreciated.
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I've read that Mk 677 begins to slow down after a week if dosed ed. So I'm still going to do this but I'm going to use the Mk 677 every 3rd day, and just peptides the other 2 days.

Monday - Mk 677 -peptides
Tuesday - peptides
Wednesday - peptides
Thursday -Mk 677 - peptides
Friday - peptides
Saturday - peptides
Sunday - Mk 677 - peptides

And just continuing the schedule. I'll be doing this cycle probably September. Starting the winter bulk.