modGRF(cjc 1295) + GHRP 2 - first ever cycle.


New member

First time poster, but this forum has helped me find a lot of info :)

I started my cycle 1 day ago and i want people with some experience to go over this information for me. i plan to run it for 3+ months.

modGRF - 2mg peptide + 2mg BW, (i know it's suggested to use 1, but its for easier measurement on my syringe)
GHRP2 - 5mg peptide + 2.5mg BW.

Using u100 needle (
i draw: (is this dosing right?, maths isn't my strong point)
-200mcg (10 ticks on needle) from the modGRF (so 100mcg dose) [SUP]Edited Dose.[/SUP]
-300mcg (10 tics on needle) from ghrp2 (200mcg dose) [SUP]Edited Dose.[/SUP]

i do the above dose 3x day at: (are the times ok to do?)
-when i wake up (6am)
-pre workout (5pm) (I'm at work all day, this shot cant be done earlier)
-30mins before bed (10:30 pm)

i dont eat for 2.5 - 3 hours before the pin, or 25-30 mins after.

i inject on my quads (subQ), might start doing lower abs soon. (Does it make a difference?)

The main problem is i cant tell if its working, so here is what happened after my first few pins:
0-1 min after pin - area where i pinned is slightly swollen, pressing the area causes slight pain.
3-5 mins after pin - can feel my stomach area heating up.
10-20 mins after pin - stomach feels a bit different (i cant explain it, but i dont associate the feeling with hunger).

So here are some more of my questions:
-From the above log, are those effects normal?
-How long before i start seeing effects/side-effects (take into acc I'm 21)? (better sleep, hunger, increased energy, numbing of hands/feet, better skin, strength, blah blah blah....)
-Because i dont really feel the hunger, should i go to move to GHRP6? is it better? (i only bought 1 months supply, so i can change on my next order)
-i've been told by my mates that i might get growth of body parts (not mass, i.e. longer fingers, arms, taller?) because I'm 21 and my bones can still be cartilage/groth plates not sealed. Stupid question but i couldn't find that much info on it.

Also can some one PM me so i can do a source check, (i think its ligit, but just to confirm).
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do 1ml BAC water to your GHRH, not 2. the 5mg ghrp do 2.5ml. always half the bac to peptide. so if you get a 10mg, 5ml BAC, etc etc

if you read some of my responses in this section you will get some decent advice. you only need to fast 25-30ming pre/post inj. the carbs/fats wont be traveling threw the blood much after that. also go higher than 100/100. more like 150 cjc & 220 ghrp. I know this will greatly increase the cost to use it but its necessary. peps are not gh remember that

First time poster, but this forum has helped me find a lot of info :)

I started my cycle 1 day ago and i want people with some experience to go over this information for me. i plan to run it for 3+ months.

modGRF - 2mg peptide + 2mg BW, (i know it's suggested to use 1, but its for easier measurement on my syringe)
GHRP2 - 5mg peptide + 2.5mg BW.

Using u100 needle (
i draw: (is this dosing right?, maths isn't my strong point)
-200mcg (2 ticks on needle) from the modGRF (so 100mcg dose)
-300mcg (3 tics on needle) from ghrp2 (200mcg dose)

i do the above dose 3x day at: (are the times ok to do?)
-when i wake up (6am)
-pre workout (5pm) (I'm at work all day, this shot cant be done earlier)
-30mins before bed (10:30 pm)

i dont eat for 2.5 - 3 hours before the pin, or 25-30 mins after.

i inject on my quads (subQ), might start doing lower abs soon. (Does it make a difference?)

The main problem is i cant tell if its working, so here is what happened after my first few pins:
0-1 min after pin - area where i pinned is slightly swollen, pressing the area causes slight pain.
3-5 mins after pin - can feel my stomach area heating up.
10-20 mins after pin - stomach feels a bit different (i cant explain it, but i dont associate the feeling with hunger).

So here are some more of my questions:
-From the above log, are those effects normal?
-How long before i start seeing effects/side-effects (take into acc I'm 21)? (better sleep, hunger, increased energy, numbing of hands/feet, better skin, strength, blah blah blah....)
-Because i dont really feel the hunger, should i go to move to GHRP6? is it better? (i only bought 1 months supply, so i can change on my next order)
-i've been told by my mates that i might get growth of body parts (not mass, i.e. longer fingers, arms, taller?) because I'm 21 and my bones can still be cartilage/groth plates not sealed. Stupid question but i couldn't find that much info on it.

Also can some one PM me so i can do a source check, (i think its ligit, but just to confirm).


also that do you mean 2.5mg BK, you mean 2.5ml?
how much depends on whats easy for you to do. i only use 0.5-2ml solution each vial. so your good there.
Thanks for the replies, i realized i was doing a low dosage (like i said maths isn't my strong point lol)... on the needle i have i needed to do 5x more modGRF and 3x more ghrp2. Anyway lets see how it goes over the next few weeks
Keep the log going, I am about to order mine beginning of next week! Would be nice to compare with someone.
Started pining in my lower abdomen last night.. i'm yet to notice better sleep form the peptides, tho i did wake up with a cramp in my calf and joint pains in my knee, which is odd because i haven't worked out my legs for the last 5 days... not sure if this is a side effect from the peptides tho.
Good log, interested in your results. I did notice some of the initial effects like increase in hunger, better skin quality and sleep fairly quick with this. To reap the full benefits of this it will take running it for quite some time though.
Been on it for about a week now, becoming a pro with this needle haha.

Also on my second bottle of CJC now, recond with 1ml water.

I've been having joint pains and until i have my lunch my muscles feel pretty weak, is this normal? i've read its supposed to do quite the opposite....

at the gym, i've been able to stay on the same weights with my workouts, but i can feel extra strain on my joints.
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Joint pain could be a side, I never experienced it too bad with this combo though. I'm about a week into an IGF-1 cycle and I'm experiencing a lot of joint pain right now.
Its been 2 weeks, I'm yet to notice any physique changes, but i did notice improved skin (i think my skin is also getting thicker, i have to apply more force around the ab region to pin), slight strength gain at the gym but i dont know if its from the ghrp/ghrh.