I am banned!
So this was the cycle I was to begin start of February-
Weeks 1-16 - test cyp 400 mg
Weeks 1-5 - NPP 400 mg a week (injected 100 mg 4x a week)
Weeks 1-14 - deca 400 mg
Weeks 1-12++ - Proviron 50mg a day (not quite sure on duration yet)
Weeks 10-22 - primobolan 400 mg
Weeks 16-24 - test cyp 300 mg
Weeks 14-24 - Albeutorol
Well I had test, deca, and primo already on hand being I got scripts for those.. But the NPP and proviron I did not and the order I placed got delayed.. Being the impatient guy I am, I decided to just start running 400mg of test and 400 mg of deca.. I have to do a re-order for the other compounds.
I've been running the 400/400 going into 4 weeks now.
Obviously from the above cycle and me wanting to run NPP I was wanting a kick start of nandrolone, thus why I choose to run fast acting deca (NPP) along with the deca for the first 5 weeks.. So my question is, do I even bother now with the NPP being I'm 4 weeks in with deca? Maybe I should just drop the NPP and run an oral like dbol right now at this point and help get that kick start effect?
Im running test cyp and deca at the moment so both slow esters and I'm only a few weeks in.. My last cycle I front loaded a bunch of test prop and I liked the early kick in feeling and I wanting to do the same now, even though I already started.
So, keep the NPP and run it with the deca for a bit?
Drop the NPP being I'm already going into 4 weeks in with deca?
Add Dbol now if dropping NPP?
Or heck, do dbol and run some NPP now with the deca get that nandrolone going ASAP
Oh yeah, and I'm thinking of getting more primo and starting that earlier on in the cycle to get a longer run time out of it
Weeks 1-16 - test cyp 400 mg
Weeks 1-5 - NPP 400 mg a week (injected 100 mg 4x a week)
Weeks 1-14 - deca 400 mg
Weeks 1-12++ - Proviron 50mg a day (not quite sure on duration yet)
Weeks 10-22 - primobolan 400 mg
Weeks 16-24 - test cyp 300 mg
Weeks 14-24 - Albeutorol
Well I had test, deca, and primo already on hand being I got scripts for those.. But the NPP and proviron I did not and the order I placed got delayed.. Being the impatient guy I am, I decided to just start running 400mg of test and 400 mg of deca.. I have to do a re-order for the other compounds.
I've been running the 400/400 going into 4 weeks now.
Obviously from the above cycle and me wanting to run NPP I was wanting a kick start of nandrolone, thus why I choose to run fast acting deca (NPP) along with the deca for the first 5 weeks.. So my question is, do I even bother now with the NPP being I'm 4 weeks in with deca? Maybe I should just drop the NPP and run an oral like dbol right now at this point and help get that kick start effect?
Im running test cyp and deca at the moment so both slow esters and I'm only a few weeks in.. My last cycle I front loaded a bunch of test prop and I liked the early kick in feeling and I wanting to do the same now, even though I already started.
So, keep the NPP and run it with the deca for a bit?
Drop the NPP being I'm already going into 4 weeks in with deca?
Add Dbol now if dropping NPP?
Or heck, do dbol and run some NPP now with the deca get that nandrolone going ASAP
Oh yeah, and I'm thinking of getting more primo and starting that earlier on in the cycle to get a longer run time out of it