Modifying my current cycle- thoughts and suggestions


I am banned!
So this was the cycle I was to begin start of February-

Weeks 1-16 - test cyp 400 mg
Weeks 1-5 - NPP 400 mg a week (injected 100 mg 4x a week)
Weeks 1-14 - deca 400 mg
Weeks 1-12++ - Proviron 50mg a day (not quite sure on duration yet)
Weeks 10-22 - primobolan 400 mg
Weeks 16-24 - test cyp 300 mg
Weeks 14-24 - Albeutorol

Well I had test, deca, and primo already on hand being I got scripts for those.. But the NPP and proviron I did not and the order I placed got delayed.. Being the impatient guy I am, I decided to just start running 400mg of test and 400 mg of deca.. I have to do a re-order for the other compounds.
I've been running the 400/400 going into 4 weeks now.

Obviously from the above cycle and me wanting to run NPP I was wanting a kick start of nandrolone, thus why I choose to run fast acting deca (NPP) along with the deca for the first 5 weeks.. So my question is, do I even bother now with the NPP being I'm 4 weeks in with deca? Maybe I should just drop the NPP and run an oral like dbol right now at this point and help get that kick start effect?
Im running test cyp and deca at the moment so both slow esters and I'm only a few weeks in.. My last cycle I front loaded a bunch of test prop and I liked the early kick in feeling and I wanting to do the same now, even though I already started.

So, keep the NPP and run it with the deca for a bit?
Drop the NPP being I'm already going into 4 weeks in with deca?
Add Dbol now if dropping NPP?
Or heck, do dbol and run some NPP now with the deca get that nandrolone going ASAP

Oh yeah, and I'm thinking of getting more primo and starting that earlier on in the cycle to get a longer run time out of it
So this was the cycle I was to begin start of February-

Weeks 1-16 - test cyp 400 mg
Weeks 1-5 - NPP 400 mg a week (injected 100 mg 4x a week)
Weeks 1-14 - deca 400 mg
Weeks 1-12++ - Proviron 50mg a day (not quite sure on duration yet)
Weeks 10-22 - primobolan 400 mg
Weeks 16-24 - test cyp 300 mg
Weeks 14-24 - Albeutorol

Well I had test, deca, and primo already on hand being I got scripts for those.. But the NPP and proviron I did not and the order I placed got delayed.. Being the impatient guy I am, I decided to just start running 400mg of test and 400 mg of deca.. I have to do a re-order for the other compounds.
I've been running the 400/400 going into 4 weeks now.

Obviously from the above cycle and me wanting to run NPP I was wanting a kick start of nandrolone, thus why I choose to run fast acting deca (NPP) along with the deca for the first 5 weeks.. So my question is, do I even bother now with the NPP being I'm 4 weeks in with deca? Maybe I should just drop the NPP and run an oral like dbol right now at this point and help get that kick start effect?
Im running test cyp and deca at the moment so both slow esters and I'm only a few weeks in.. My last cycle I front loaded a bunch of test prop and I liked the early kick in feeling and I wanting to do the same now, even though I already started.

So, keep the NPP and run it with the deca for a bit?
Drop the NPP being I'm already going into 4 weeks in with deca?
Add Dbol now if dropping NPP?
Or heck, do dbol and run some NPP now with the deca get that nandrolone going ASAP

Oh yeah, and I'm thinking of getting more primo and starting that earlier on in the cycle to get a longer run time out of it

Lots of compounds dude. If you want to do a dbol kicker then I don't see any point in running the npp as a kicker before the longer esters kick in. Just pick the npp or the dbol for the beginning. I hear good things about using npp to kick start a DECA cycle, but maybe someone with more experience will chime in. Nice cycle BTW.
any reason for the cyp dosage going from 400mg to 300mg? I'm a fan of the primo, but bumping it up to 600+ would be loads better... even better would be to axe the npp and run primo at 800mg from now on
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any reason for the cyp dosage going from 400mg to 300mg? I'm a fan of the primo, but bumping it up to 600+ would be loads better... even better would be to axe the npp and run primo at 800mg from now on

Good question.. The reason for lowering the test dose at the end is basically to get back to my trt dosage, but at just above maintenance loads to keep my gains while the primo does it's job as well.. I can lower my calories and cut a bit while still staying anabolic (I don't need the higher test mg anymore cause my bulk is done at that point). From past experience and trips to the doc, I now believe in using the lowest dose possible for getting the job done for each specific goal (but we are all different)..

But as for the primo, your right I may need to bump that up, just hate the 100 mg10ml dosing.. Maybe will start primo early and run it longer, so not quite as high as 800 like u suggest but maybe lower like 500 mg but for like 16 weeks.

Dropping the NPP sounds like the consensus thus far being I've already done 4 weeks in of deca
Lots of compounds dude. If you want to do a dbol kicker then I don't see any point in running the npp as a kicker before the longer esters kick in. Just pick the npp or the dbol for the beginning. I hear good things about using npp to kick start a DECA cycle, but maybe someone with more experience will chime in. Nice cycle BTW.

Lots of compounds.. Not that many, but you'll notice dosages are not off the charts either.. Been looking into training smarter not harder (using multiple compound at lower dosages to provide a more synergetic anabolic result..,compared to just raw blasting a gram of test and gram of deca). Also coming off of multiple health problems and surgeries, I just need to lift light and easy high rep stuff, so cycle has that type of training in mind. No raw high dosage get huge type of cycls for me, just conservative multiple compound type stuff I think is best for me cause of past Heath and injuries.
As for the NPP you prob right
the primo at that dose is a waste..What i love about your cycle is how your kicking of the nandrolone with npp and slowly going into deca..thats a play right out the bundy book..Also i would up the test cyp to say 600-750..400 is kinda low..Last question are u a trt guy or do u pct?

Running multiple compounds.. I've done test at a gram a week with a test prop front load and 600 mg of deca. It was more then I needed, I put on 30 lbs in a short time and bp went through the roof and I ended up in the des getting an EKG done., high Mg dosages are not for me.. I started out with a total test of 168 ngnl, .. I just don't need those high of dosages to make Gaines . I'm a trt guy.
Upping the primo,is a good suggestion,, was thinking of going long instead of higher dose.. But hey that's why I asking for opinions
im glad to hear that u dont need mega doses to make gains..what i love is how your using npp and deca at the same way to use nand..good luck with your cycle

Well I see deca or test in the same boat, might as well make use if different esters to get things going if u can.
Again, I'm on TRT, but my last cycle I still increased my test cyp AND added test prop eod to get things going quick..
Same thing with deca and NPP,, I kinda don't wanna wait til week 6-8 to really feel the deca, so yeah lets do deca and get the NPP to kick it all off.
But I'm 4 weeks in, maybe don't need the NPP and just run an oral
as far as nand goes i like to kick it off with far as test goes i rather use a oral to kick it off and use the prop at the end of my cycle to get into pct faster..You sound like u know what your doing..again best of luck to u

No pct for me so I like it all kicked off from the start.. And being no pct I prefer to drag out cutting compounds and run those past 20 weeks,, I can cut and not loose gains cause I'm still on cycle but with diff compounds.
Guess being stuck on trt for life is a blessing and a curse at the same time
Placed an order. I decided that being I'm 4 weeks in running deca, I don't really need the NPP front load (I will do that next time).. Ordered dbol so I'm gonna add that as my "kick start", and should help me bulk up well with the deca.. I'm gonna increase my primo dose to 500-600,, but thinking I'll start that at week 6 and run it 14-16 weeks
I think the Nandrolone is too high for the test. I'd up the test to equivalent amt or a bit greater. 400mg Primo is not enough... even if you are possibly getting real, true dosed Primabolan. Deca at 400mg/ week is not worth the sides IMO.
Placed an order. I decided that being I'm 4 weeks in running deca, I don't really need the NPP front load (I will do that next time).. Ordered dbol so I'm gonna add that as my "kick start", and should help me bulk up well with the deca.. I'm gonna increase my primo dose to 500-600,, but thinking I'll start that at week 6 and run it 14-16 weeks

I'd drop the Deca all together and run just NPP. The long term effects of nadrolone decaonate use on cardiac hypertrophy is medically documented and very real.

NPP is much safer and IMO better gains.
I think the Nandrolone is too high for the test. I'd up the test to equivalent amt or a bit greater. 400mg Primo is not enough... even if you are possibly getting real, true dosed Primabolan. Deca at 400mg/ week is not worth the sides IMO.

I was thinking of upping the test to 500mg.

. My last cycle I did 600 mg test 500 mg deca (with a test prop kick start so it was closer to a gram of test at the beginning).. That was more then enough for me,, I put on weight quick and BP spiked and ended up at the dr office..
From experience I've learned for me and my body that I can get by with lower doses.
Heck my first cycle was only 200 mg test every 5 days for 20 weeks and I put on 35 lbs at 12% bf.
Deca at 500 mg last cycle raised my RBC , so that's why I'm keeping at 400 this time

Yes I'm gonna bump the primo dosage. As far as it being legit, it comes from the pharmacy, I've got a script so it's legit and full strength.
I'd drop the Deca all together and run just NPP. The long term effects of nadrolone decaonate use on cardiac hypertrophy is medically documented and very real.

NPP is much safer and IMO better gains.

This is interesting.. Can u elaborate?
I've already got a bunch of pharmacy grade deca here (again I have a script for deca, but not NPP.. Was gonna go UGL for NPP)
No need to use the NPP as the deca is coming on line now. I see what your trying to do with the 12 weeks on primo and lower test with Albuterol. That looks fine. I personally prefer NPP over Deca. I don't get any water bloat from NPP. I also does it ED. The bloat comes from the fluctuating blood levels that deca is prone too due to the long ester. I would even pin it 3 times a week to even it out a little more. I do the same with test E and C.

The reports on heart conditions are from Power lifters running a gram for 20 weeks and being fat as shit as well. Of course its hard on their hearts. DUH!!! but for the 14 weeks at that dose I don't think its an issue. Personally I would just run the NPP the whole way but thats my own personal preference. I like being fairly lean all year. Deca is not a good choice if you want to keep your abs and still look good for the ladies.

Also if your nutrition is in check you will have much less bloat and moon face. So if your experienced at strict dieting then less issues there as well. i am pretty good at maintaining a diet but I plan for cheat meals and even 1 cheat meal bloats me like 5 pounds while on deca. So keep that in mind.
This is interesting.. Can u elaborate?
I've already got a bunch of pharmacy grade deca here (again I have a script for deca, but not NPP.. Was gonna go UGL for NPP)

Basically the deca ester can be prevalent in the blood stream up to 6 months after injection. The heart can/will enlarge due to AAS use.
So even though I've already started the deca, I think im still gonna get and run NPP along side it..400 deca, 300 mg NPP.

Also, having heard guys having results with this for some reason,, as for my test base I'm gonna do test cyp and test E.. 200 mg cyp on Monday 200 mg test e on Friday. The esters are very similar not sure why guys are getting better results doing this the just running one or the other, but figured worth a try

Edit: also, being I've thought about the Dbol in there for 5 weeks.. Should I increase my AI.. .5mg e3d has always been fine for past blasts, but I've never ran Dbol and I know it is very fast acting so I thought maybe I'd need to increase the AI dose cause of this
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Being I'm running proviron during the whole cycle, maybe as much AI is not needed? Anyone run a similar cycle with proviron and found estro was well managed?
I'll get bloods after 5 weeks
I'd drop the Deca all together and run just NPP. The long term effects of nadrolone decaonate use on cardiac hypertrophy is medically documented and very real.

NPP is much safer and IMO better gains.

This is news to me. I'll be investigating given my desire to keep it a part of my trt regimen at low (100-200mg wk) dose. Do you have a study handy? I'll google but wanted to check to see what you have seen and open this up to anyone else who can chime in.

Maybe I'll run deca for trt and any blasts w NPP if so.
A lot of experienced and very informed Body builders are using different esters of the same compound at the same time. I did some experimenting with test E and C and for me running 400 test C and 400 test E had better results than just 800 C on its own. I have no clue why but my logs support that 2 weeks after I tried this I increased my gains for a few weeks from a half pound a week to a full pound and even 1 and 1/2 one week. It was not just water either I was doing skin fold tests and I am pretty experienced with detecting water uptake. Strength was also up as well. It would be very difficult to find a study on this with humans as we all know this is not approved for the use we take it for so no Pharmaceutical company would ever fund such a study. But there is for sure something happening here. Could be pure Bro science but for me it is something I will do on my next Blast with test.