More Calories on CYCLE?


New member
For me, when bulking naturally, I at about 500-1000 above maintenance, for me, this equates to 4000-4500 daily. I assume anything over this wouldnt be the weight gain I want (Probably just get fat).

However, while on cycle, does this "rule of thumb" change, I mean, can you eat even more above maintenance and not worry so much about bodyfat accumulation?
no... and yes.. lol

the muscle gain you get on a cycle ups your tdee...

so i like to increase calories when on cycle at a certain point.. what point that is would be based upon your body.. so its not a strict rule of thumb..

so for example.. instead of jumping up to 4500 calories off the bat.. i would start at 4200... up to 4400 4 weeks in.. up to 4700 8 weeks in.. up to 5000 for the rest of the cycle.. but if i see im getting really soft quick ill reduce it a bit.. using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) here is a good idea too.. high estro means easy fat accumilation

but that's if your already lean.. u wont wanna do that if ur a fatty.. lol
no... and yes.. lol

the muscle gain you get on a cycle ups your tdee...

so i like to increase calories when on cycle at a certain point.. what point that is would be based upon your body.. so its not a strict rule of thumb..

so for example.. instead of jumping up to 4500 calories off the bat.. i would start at 4200... up to 4400 4 weeks in.. up to 4700 8 weeks in.. up to 5000 for the rest of the cycle.. but if i see im getting really soft quick ill reduce it a bit.. using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) here is a good idea too.. high estro means easy fat accumilation

but that's if your already lean.. u wont wanna do that if ur a fatty.. lol

Ha, your the man, Im def. not a fatty, im about 7-8%, however, thats what I have going for me! I want to bulk, but I know the abs are going to fade, so I cant fully comitt! People keep telling me to just dont worry about a little fat gain, and add as much mass as I can, then cut later on. Which, I have been pushing more towards 4500-5000 cals the last few days, and want to for the next 5-6 weeks. (Its hard to make myself do this).

As far as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) goes, does it help prevent fat gain? I thought it more just kept water off? I have heard high estro levels can be fat accumulating, but some say high Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosages can inhibit gains badly?
As u mentioned about adding calories is this carb, protein or fat foods. Also would eating alot of fruit on cycle add unnessary fat to your mid section?