Most Effective Fat Burner or Supplement?


New member
I know about keeping a good diet, mixture of cardio vs weights and calories... but has anybody heard of any Supplement or Anabolics that helped with this process?

A buddy of mine mentioned something about taking Hydroxycut with his diet, and he said he noticed losing a couple more pounds then with out the pill. Im not sure if this is just the placebo affect.. but he told me he thought it was actually working. Ive also heard about Thermorexin through the search on this site. Some people saying that its helped with the loss aswell.

Im not really looking to cut any corners but the reason Im asking is because Im in the middle of my school year. I dont have all the time in the world to do 45-50 minute workouts, with my 3 hours homework each day. I usually get about 2-3 days at the gym, only because I skip class or teacher doesnt show.

Can anybody help me, or should I just keep it simple with the cardio, diet and hard work?


19 years
228 lbs
38'' waist
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Well any fatburner will work - ECA, Clen, T3, and GH will all work in helping you get leaner.

Do some research on all those and you'll find your answers
Yeah, Ive read about most of them.

Im a little worried though, I understand that T3 and the ECA stacks are all high tolerance stuff. I want to be able to sleep, and not have the trembles haha.

But ill read more about it, thanks.
With any fat burner, it can be hard to sleep. If you don't have much experience i would start off with the ECA. Start low with 1 tab and increase after about 3 weeks, continue till you get to 3 tabs.

Also it will depend on the strength of the product. Cause what i'm getting at is: Don't start taking the highest amount, start slow and work up - that way the product will continue to work.

And in some cases take a break for a day and let your adrenal gland settle down.
Oh alright, sounds good to me. I took some sort of fat burner with Eph just this past summer, and I didnt find it hard to sleep considering I took it 6am when I worked, lunch and then around dinner. With school and stuff this cant be a problem, thanks for the info man.

Any others?
Yeah ive heard about that stuff, just wasnt sure if it was true. I noticed that on the search someone mentioned losing well over 30+ lbs in just a couple months cardio and diet? wtf!
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