

There are only two reasons why a person ISN'T doing something. 1. They do not have the skill or ability to do it 2. They do not have the motivation to do it. There are plenty of variables that play into why someone doesn't have the skill to do something, but there are few reasons why a person isn't motivated to do something.

With working out and following diets, we all have the skill to do it. The problem is that at times, the motivational variables to maintain a healthy lifestyle cease to be effective. For men, being impressive to women is constant motivation. But, things happen in life where it is easy to not care about your impression on women.

I have discovered ways to keep myself motivated when things in life try to hinder my motivation. I want to hear what you guys do to keep your motivation strong. Whether it be people, certain thought processes, goals you have set for yourself, competition, etc.
I watch motivational videos,bodybuilding and other.I read and go on blogs and md, amd sometimes flex websites.when i feel like shit i have music that has people talking about pushing yourself and having no limits.and positive audio as well.
When I first read this Topic I couldn't really respond at the time BC I didn't know what it was that keeps my motivation strong. As the more time went by and the thoughts continued to stir on this particular topic I finally came to the conclusion that there are 5 factors that keep me motivated.

1) As a young child I was taught that if I wanted something in life, whatever it is, I will need to work for it, and work my butt off for it. Nothing in life is just handed to me, it takes hard work and dedication.

2) Growing up I was raised to take care of others (mother hen) in a way, my main purpose was to Cook, Clean, Take care of my Brothers, and my Elders. I never was given the time to take care of myself, at the end of the Day I was drained physically, mentally, emotionally taking care of everyone else. I am still very motherly and my main focus is on taking care of my son to the best of my ability, and in order to do so, I need to stay physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally healthy to be the best mommy I can be. Staying Active and Eating right teaches my son to also do the same, I am trying to enstill good morals and values like my dad did with me.

3) I like to make my Ex's do a double take when we run into eachother, I always ended the relationships I was in due to the Fact they didn't treat me with the Respect I deserved (One thing about them was the sex was always good-lol) they try to still come around for that but I say to myself, you had a good thing, couldn't do what you needed to do to keep me, your loss baby.

4) I like challenging myself, I get bored very easily so I like to switch things up from time to time (Training, swimming, Running, Events, Martial Arts, etc) and I like being as strong as one of the boys, but want to keep my feminine build. (tomboy or not- I am still a girly girl at times)

5) I am not a follower, I have always been a Leader. As a very independent person, I like to increase my knowledge in all areas, when something intrigues me, I will do what it takes to become better at it, more knowledgable, etc. So if and when another comes to me BC they need help, I can assist them properly BC I have the skills and experience to teach another.
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3) I like to make my Ex's do a double take when we run into eachother, I always ended the relationships I was in due to the Fact they didn't treat me with the Respect I deserved (One thing about them was the sex was always good-lol) they try to still come around for that but I say to myself, you had a good thing, couldn't do what you needed to do to keep me, your loss baby.

I can definitely relate to this one. For some reason, there always seem to be people in my life that make me feel like I am never good enough. Sure, this is an unpleasant feeling but it does serve for some motivation in the gym.

Also, I try to be an all around great person. When I meet someone, I want them to think "Damn, this guy has his shit together!" For some reason, maintaining my physique is harder at times than others. I just never want to have a characteristic that takes me farther away from perfection. Not that I am perfect, by any means, but I want to get as close as I can get.
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I can definitely relate to this one. For some reason, there always seem to be people in my life that make me feel like I am never good enough. Sure, this is an unpleasant feeling but it does serve for some motivation in the gym.

Also, I try to be an all around great person. When I meet someone, I want them to think "Damn, this guy has his shit together!" I am educated, sociable, attractive, successful and I want to have a perfect body. For some reason, maintaining my physique is harder at times than others. I just never want to have a characteristic that takes me farther away from perfection. Not that I am perfect, by any means, but I want to get as close as I can get.

I agree, I will never look like Jessica Alba or Jessica Biel. I'm built differently, but I can always improve on the body I was given. And still be smokin' hot and have those men and women drool as I walk on by. LOL
I agree, I will never look like Jessica Alba or Jessica Biel. I'm built differently, but I can always improve on the body I was given. And still be smokin' hot and have those men and women drool as I walk on by. LOL

I believe it. Sexiness is only partly found in looks while mostly in attitude. I've gotten down with some honkers because their attitude was so sexy.
girls with big teeth, crooked faces, ratty hair, bad taste in clothing, extreme population of freckles, wirey, and curveless
Seeing my body change for the better and feeling better about myself keeps me motivated. I like that positive changes in my body and want to keep seeing them. I have so much more energy now and I love not feeling exhausted every day. I also love seeing myself get stronger. Stacking the plates on the leg press and being able to knock out 10-12 reps and then coming back for more sets and going heavier than before is a great feeling! I said in a thread before that I'd never be svelt, but I always wanted to be strong.
I enjoy the way my husband sneaks looks and really loves the way my upper body is shaping up when I'm doing a set of dumbell presses. It's also nice that since my body has transformed he can't keep his hands off me. It's awesome that level of attraction is there and the spark is alive after 7 years of marriage. My goal is to still retain that 10-15-20 + years from now. He has never once had a negative attitude toward me when I did gain weight during pregnancy and didn't take it off very fast. He's always loved me for me and respected me as the mother of his children. But I'll admit that things behind closed doors have only gotten better and I want to keep it that way. That's my motivation.
I agree, I will never look like Jessica Alba or Jessica Biel. I'm built differently, but I can always improve on the body I was given. And still be smokin' hot and have those men and women drool as I walk on by.
A few things that keep me going:

1) I look back at myself in high school before senior year. I was 305lbs, played World of Warcraft nonstop, had a lot of "school friends" but only a couple real friends, and the only thing really going for me was academics. I started lifting seriously, dropped to 225lbs, started at center in football and won all-county, all-conference and all-ohio honors. This was a turning point, where I realized I could do ANYTHING if I set my mind to it. Once you discover that inner fire - and we all have one - it can't be extinguished. It can dwindle at times, and that's when you man up and throw lighter fluid on that son of a bitch.

2) I'm not sure of the source on this, but I once heard "Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about" And I'm sure all of you think about your diet/training almost nonstop, I know I do.

3) This applies to pretty much all of life, not just BBing, but "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" and the idea of putting in constant effort toward staying positive, confident and relaxed have made huge differences in my life. Perspective is very important.

Dialtone I think point #2 in your OP is good. So many times people say they "want" something, but always find an excuse. If you truly want something, you'll find a way, otherwise you'll find an excuse.
I got tired of looking around and wishing to look like this or that... Finally decided I was going to make it happen and I'm seeing results! Not there yet, but now I look around and read other successes and think I can do that too! It's all about your perspective!
Having a group of friends dedicated to the same goals helps too, and all the better when they care about seeing me get there. But in the end, keeping myself motivated and on task is key.
I got tired of looking around and wishing to look like this or that... Finally decided I was going to make it happen and I'm seeing results! Not there yet, but now I look around and read other successes and think I can do that too! It's all about your perspective!
Having a group of friends dedicated to the same goals helps too, and all the better when they care about seeing me get there. But in the end, keeping myself motivated and on task is key.

Well said
Split screen of Pumping Iron and/or Rocky scenes + 5FDP/Static X.. = Great motivation and focus
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