Mr . U's new oral aminos....


New member
I asked this a couple weeks ago??? No responses about dosing or training...... Anyone tried the new """oral""" (inj) aminos.... arginine, ornithine....???? Curious about dosing and frequency. Because I want to inject, Mr. U cannot answer my question about dosing?? Anyone know what the proper dosing would be for arginine and ornithine, l-carnitine by inj....??? I was very impressed with the PGH alone, and I would like to try them all together.... my job prevents me from juicing.... (sports related), I do get tested..... any experiences with these???? Research shows they work when injected.... question I have is how much and how often?? Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.
good question... wish i could help, but i'll dump it for you.

If you're sports tested... have you looked into something more synthetic like HGH? Most sports organizations (inculding pro baseball and football) dont test for insulin related drugs.
I use HGH, and am learning about IGF-1, and GHRH type stuff... but I'm understading the reason why GH is so expensive for the athlete.... anti-aging doses just dont do it and the bill adds up. I'm being paid for my sport, but not that much. Just trying to find info on whats out there....the way some of these over seas guys stay so lean makes me pretty sure they're using something.... anything anyone else knows would be appreciated... (drugs that are not being tested for I mean)...... you'd be shocked how many paid athletes in the US are going through this....semi pro is always semi paid. If I made 40miilion a year I would'nt worry about cost. Know what I mean? Got a family to take care of and lots of bills.... They (my work) need me lean..... when I'm not on, I tend to bulk up, keep shape, but soften up too.... not the look I want... furthermore, when I gain water weight I tend to not be as fast. I feel like a bodybuilder in the off season these day. Big still, but not veined out cut, and sluggish when I make quick movements(hard lefts and rights).... sucks.. dam d-tests.....Just trying to do what I have to do to keep up with the competition out there...Level out the reality playing field.... you know? Wish the world was perfect and we could just do things without help, but we don't live in a utopian society and thats just the way it is. Gotta get paid..... Any lists would be very helpful. Access is no problem... just need info...
Do U Know When The Drug Test Is Coming Or Have Any Idea? I Would Imagine No But Im Just Asking Cuz U Can Get Away With Some Short Acting Prop Or Suspension If U Know On Or About When U Will Be Tested